Section 65584.07.  

Latest version.
  • (a) During the period between adoption of a final regional housing needs allocation and the due date of the housing element update under Section 65588, the council of governments, or the department, whichever assigned the county's share, shall reduce the share of regional housing needs of a county if all of the following conditions are met:

    (1) One or more cities within the county agree to increase its share or their shares in an amount equivalent to the reduction.

    (2) The transfer of shares shall only occur between a county and cities within that county.

    (3) The county's share of low-income and very low income housing shall be reduced only in proportion to the amount by which the county's share of moderate- and above moderate-income housing is reduced.

    (4) The council of governments or the department, whichever assigned the county's share, shall approve the proposed reduction, if it determines that the conditions set forth in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above have been satisfied. The county and city or cities proposing the transfer shall submit an analysis of the factors and circumstances, with all supporting data, justifying the revision to the council of governments or the department. The council of governments shall submit a copy of its decision regarding the proposed reduction to the department.

    (b) (1) The county and cities that have executed transfers of regional housing needs pursuant to subdivision (a) shall use the revised regional housing need allocation in their housing elements and shall adopt their housing elements by the deadlines set forth in Section 65588.

    (2) A city that has received a transfer of a regional housing need pursuant to subdivision (c) shall adopt or amend its housing element within 30 months of the effective date of incorporation.

    (3) A county or city that has received a transfer of regional housing need pursuant to subdivision (d) shall amend its housing element within 180 days of the effective date of the transfer.

    (4) A county or city is responsible for identifying sites to accommodate its revised regional housing need by the deadlines set forth in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3).

    (5) All materials and data used to justify any revision shall be made available upon request to any interested party within seven days upon payment of reasonable costs of reproduction unless the costs are waived due to economic hardship. A fee may be charged to interested parties for any additional costs caused by the amendments made to former subdivision (c) of Section 65584 that reduced from 45 to 7 days the time within which materials and data were required to be made available to interested parties.

    (c) (1) If an incorporation of a new city occurs after the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department for areas with no council of governments, has made its final allocation under Section 65584.03, 65584.04, 65584.06, or 65584.08, a portion of the county's allocation shall be transferred to the new city. The city and county may reach a mutually acceptable agreement for transfer of a portion of the county's allocation to the city, which shall be accepted by the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department, whichever allocated the county's share. If the affected parties cannot reach a mutually acceptable agreement, then either party may submit a written request to the council of governments, subregional entity, or to the department for areas with no council of governments, to consider the facts, data, and methodology presented by both parties and determine the number of units, by income category, that should be transferred from the county's allocation to the new city.

    (2) Within 90 days after the date of incorporation, either the transfer, by income category, agreed upon by the city and county, or a written request for a transfer, shall be submitted to the council of governments, subregional entity, or to the department, whichever allocated the county's share. A mutually acceptable transfer agreement shall be effective immediately upon receipt by the council of governments, the subregional entity, or the department. A copy of a written transfer request submitted to the council of governments shall be submitted to the department. The council of governments, subregional entity, or the department, whichever allocated the county's share, shall make the transfer effective within 180 days after receipt of the written request. If the council of governments allocated the county's share, the transfer shall be based on the methodology adopted pursuant to Section 65584.04 or 65584.08. If the subregional entity allocated the subregion's share, the transfer shall be based on the methodology adopted pursuant to Section 65584.03. If the department allocated the county's share, the transfer shall be based on the considerations specified in Section 65584.06. The transfer shall neither reduce the total regional housing needs nor change the regional housing needs allocated to other cities by the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department. A copy of the transfer finalized by the council of governments or subregional entity shall be submitted to the department. The council of governments, the subregional entity, or the department, as appropriate, may extend the 90-day deadline if it determines an extension is consistent with the objectives of this article.

    (d) (1) If an annexation of unincorporated land to a city occurs after the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department for areas with no council of governments, has made its final allocation under Section 65584.03, 65584.04, 65584.06, or 65584.08, a portion of the county's allocation may be transferred to the city. The city and county may reach a mutually acceptable agreement for transfer of a portion of the county's allocation to the city, which shall be accepted by the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department, whichever allocated the county's share. If the affected parties cannot reach a mutually acceptable agreement, then either party may submit a written request to the council of governments, subregional entity, or to the department for areas with no council of governments, to consider the facts, data, and methodology presented by both parties and determine the number of units, by income category, that should be transferred from the county's allocation to the city.

    (2) (A) Except as provided under subparagraph (B), within 90 days after the date of annexation, either the transfer, by income category, agreed upon by the city and county, or a written request for a transfer, shall be submitted to the council of governments, subregional entity, and to the department. A mutually acceptable transfer agreement shall be effective immediately upon receipt by the council of governments, the subregional entity, or the department. The council of governments, subregional entity, or the department for areas with no council of governments, shall make the transfer effective within 180 days after receipt of the written request. If the council of governments allocated the county's share, the transfer shall be based on the methodology adopted pursuant to Section 65584.04 or 65584.08. If the subregional entity allocated the subregion's share, the transfer shall be based on the methodology adopted pursuant to Section 65584.03. If the department allocated the county's share, the transfer shall be based on the considerations specified in Section 65584.06. The transfer shall neither reduce the total regional housing needs nor change the regional housing needs allocated to other cities by the council of governments, subregional entity, or the department for areas with no council of governments. A copy of the transfer finalized by the council of governments or subregional entity shall be submitted to the department. The council of governments, the subregional entity, or the department, as appropriate, may extend the 90-day deadline if it determines an extension is consistent with the objectives of this article.

    (B) If the annexed land is subject to a development agreement authorized under subdivision (b) of Section 65865 that was entered into by a city and a landowner prior to January 1, 2008, the revised determination shall be based upon the number of units allowed by the development agreement.

    (3) A transfer shall not be made when the council of governments or the department, as applicable, confirms that the annexed land was fully incorporated into the methodology used to allocate the city's share of the regional housing needs.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 11, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2009.)