Section 65584.08.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For the purposes of this section the "association" is the Southern California Association of Governments.

    (b) For the fourth revision of the housing element pursuant to Section 65588 within the region of the association, the existing and projected need for housing for the region as a whole and each jurisdiction within the region shall be determined according to the provisions of this article except as those provisions are specifically modified by this section.

    (c) The existing and projected housing need for the region shall be determined in the following manner:

    (1) The association shall develop an integrated long-term growth forecast by five-year increments. The growth forecast is not a regional housing needs allocation plan.

    (2) The forecast shall consist of the following three major variables by geographic area throughout the region:

    (A) Population.

    (B) Employment.

    (C) Households.

    (3) The association shall convert households into housing units using replacement rates from the Department of Finance, and county level vacancy rates, by weighing vacancy rates of for-sale and for-rent units.

    (4) The association shall transmit the forecast to the department with the following variables:

    (A) Population.

    (B) Employment.

    (C) Households.

    (D) Housing units.

    (E) Household formation ratios.

    (F) Replacement rates.

    (G) Owner and renter vacancy rates.

    (5) Upon receiving the forecast, the department shall determine the existing and projected housing need for the region in accordance with paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of, and with subdivision (d) of, Section 65584.01.

    (d) The association shall conduct a public workshop for the purpose of surveying its member jurisdictions pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 65584.04. Not less than 30 days prior to the date of commencement of the public workshop, the association shall notify affected jurisdictions about the manner in which it proposes to consider the factors specified in subdivision (d) of Section 65584.04 in the housing allocation process. Local governments may submit information about the factors before the workshop for consideration by the association and incorporation into the discussion of the methodology at the workshop.

    (e) The association shall delegate development of the housing need allocation plan to the subregional entities, if the association and the subregional entities agree in writing to that delegation and the association ensures that the total regional housing need, by income category, is maintained.

    (f) The association shall conduct a minimum of 14 public workshops to discuss the regional growth forecast and the methodology, including the factors, by which housing needs are proposed to be allocated to subregions, or, in the absence of a subregion, to individual jurisdictions. The workshops shall also present opportunities for jurisdictions and members of the public or relevant stakeholders to provide information to the association on local conditions and factors. Following the workshops, and concurrent with the adoption of its draft housing allocation plan, the association shall describe the following:

    (1) The manner in which the plan is consistent with the housing, employment, transportation, and environmental needs of the region.

    (2) The manner in which the methodology that produced the plan complies with subdivision (e) of Section 65584.04.

    (3) The manner in which the information received in the public workshops was considered in the methodology used to allocate the regional housing need.

    (g) Following the adoption of the draft housing allocation plan, a local government may request from the association or the delegate subregion, as applicable, a revision of its share of the regional housing need in accordance with the factors described in subdivision (d) of Section 65584.04, including any information submitted by the local government pursuant to subdivision (d). The request for a revised share shall be based upon comparable data available for all affected jurisdictions and accepted planning methodology, and shall be supported by adequate documentation. The association or delegate subregion, as applicable, shall establish a timeline for accepting and reviewing revision requests. However, revision requests shall not be accepted after the deadline for filing an appeal pursuant to subdivision (i). The association or delegate subregion shall respond to the request in writing no later than the close of the appeal process, and shall describe the rationale for its decision.

    (h) Both the methodology and allocation process shall consider the factors listed under subdivision (d) of Section 65584.04 and promote the goals and objectives of subdivision (d) of Section 65584 and the regional transportation plan growth forecasting process to integrate housing planning with projected population growth and transportation. The association shall complete the final housing need allocation plan on or before June 30, 2007. It is the intent of the Legislature that the housing element update deadlines, as required under Section 65588, and as modified by the department under paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 65584.02, will not be extended. The association shall submit a report to the Legislature on or before March 30, 2007, describing the progress it has made in completing the final need allocation plan.

    (i) A city or county may file one appeal of its draft allocation to the association, or a delegate subregion, pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 65584.05, based upon any of the following criteria:

    (1) The association or delegate subregion, as applicable, failed to adequately consider the information submitted pursuant to subdivision (d), or a significant and unforeseen change in circumstances has occurred in the local jurisdiction that merits a revision of the information submitted pursuant to that subdivision.

    (2) The association or delegate subregion, as applicable, failed to determine the local government's share of the regional housing need in accordance with the information described in, and the methodology established pursuant to subdivision (f).

    (j) A city or county shall not be allowed to file more than one appeal under subdivision (i), and no appeals may be filed relating to any adjustments made pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 65584.05.

    (k) The final allocation plan shall be subject to the provisions of subdivision (h) of Section 65584.05.

    (l) The final allocation plan adopted by the association shall ensure that the total regional housing need, by income category, as determined under subdivision (c), is maintained. The resolution adopted by the association approving the final housing need allocation plan shall show how the plan:

    (1) Is consistent with the objectives of this section and article.

    (2) Is consistent with the pending update of the regional transportation plan.

    (3) Takes into account the information provided to the association by its member jurisdictions and members of the public pursuant to subdivisions (d) and (f).

    (m) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2015, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2015, deletes or extends that date.
(Added by Stats. 2007, Ch. 5, Sec. 2. Effective April 10, 2007. Repealed as of January 1, 2015, by its own provisions.)