Section 5366.  

Latest version.
  • On or before June 30, 1970, the medical director of each state hospital for the mentally disordered shall compile a roster of those mentally disordered or chronic alcoholic patients within the institution who are gravely disabled. The roster shall indicate the county from which each such patient was admitted to the hospital or, if the hospital records indicate that the county of residence of the patient is a different county, the county of residence. The officer providing conservatorship investigation for each county shall be given a copy of the names and pertinent records of the patients from that county and shall investigate the need for conservatorship for those patients as provided in this chapter. After his or her investigation and on or before July 1, 1972, the county officer providing conservatorship shall file a petition of conservatorship for those patients that he or she determines may need conservatorship. Court commitments under the provisions of law in effect prior to July 1, 1969, of those patients for whom a petition of conservatorship is not filed shall terminate and the patient shall be released unless he or she agrees to accept treatment on a voluntary basis.

    Each state hospital and the State Department of State Hospitals shall make their records concerning those patients available to the officer providing conservatorship investigation.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 24, Sec. 132. Effective June 27, 2012.)