Section 1753.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pursuant to Section 1753.3 the Director of the Youth Authority may enter into a long-term agreement not to exceed 20 years with a city, county, or city and county to place parole violators in a facility which is specially designed and built for the incarceration of parole violators and state youth authority wards.

    (b) The agreement shall provide that persons providing security at the facilities shall be peace officers who have completed the minimum standards for the training of local correctional peace officers established under Section 6035 of the Penal Code.

    (c) In determining the reimbursement rate pursuant to an agreement entered into pursuant to subdivision (a), the director shall take into consideration the costs incurred by the city, county, or city and county for services and facilities provided, and any other factors which are necessary and appropriate to fix the obligations, responsibilities, and rights of the respective parties.

    (d) The Director of the Youth Authority, to the extent possible, shall select city, county, or city and county facilities in areas where medical, food, and other support services are available from nearby existing prison facilities.

    (e) The Director of the Youth Authority, with the approval of the Department of General Services, may enter into an agreement to lease state property for a period not in excess of 20 years to be used as the site for a facility operated by a city, county, or city and county authorized by this section.

    (f) No agreement may be entered into under this section unless the cost per ward in the facility is no greater than the average costs of keeping a ward in a comparable Youth Authority facility, as determined by the Director of the Youth Authority.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1450, Sec. 12.)