Section 1719.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following powers and duties shall be exercised and performed by the Juvenile Parole Board: discharges of commitment, orders for discharge from the jurisdiction of the Division of Juvenile Facilities to the jurisdiction of the committing court, and disciplinary appeals.

    (b) Any ward may appeal a decision by the Juvenile Parole Board to deny discharge to a panel comprised of at least two commissioners.

    (c) The following powers and duties shall be exercised and performed by the Division of Juvenile Facilities: return of persons to the court of commitment for redisposition by the court or a reentry disposition, determination of offense category, setting of discharge consideration dates, conducting annual reviews, treatment program orders, institution placements, furlough placements, return of nonresident persons to the jurisdiction of the state of legal residence, disciplinary decisionmaking, and referrals pursuant to Section 1800.

    (d) The department shall promulgate policies and regulations implementing a departmentwide system of graduated sanctions for addressing ward disciplinary matters. The disciplinary decisionmaking system shall be employed as the disciplinary system in facilities under the jurisdiction of the Division of Juvenile Facilities, and shall provide a framework for handling disciplinary matters in a manner that is consistent, timely, proportionate, and ensures the due process rights of wards. The department shall develop and implement a system of graduated sanctions that distinguishes between minor, intermediate, and serious misconduct. The department may not extend a ward's discharge consideration date. The department also may promulgate regulations to establish a process for granting wards who have successfully responded to disciplinary sanctions a reduction of any time acquired for disciplinary matters.

    (e) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2013.

(Amended (as amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 41, Sec. 95) by Stats. 2012, Ch. 342, Sec. 5. Effective September 17, 2012. Section operative January 1, 2013, by its own provisions.)