Section 14124.88.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Subsequent to the expiration of the pilot project contract, the department, in its reasonable discretion, may execute a separate, additional agreement for the discovery and recovery of amounts which may be subject to claim pursuant to this article, subject to Sections 14124.81 to 14124.87, inclusive.

    (b) The department, if it receives a competitive qualified offer of such services within the criteria set forth in Sections 14124.80 through 14124.87, shall separately contract for discovery and recovery of workers' compensation claims with one contract to cover areas of northern California and one to cover areas of southern California.

    (c) (1) Priority and inclusion of claims shall be as set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 14124.82 and additionally shall include any matter on file with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board for a period of more than 12 months unless the department has previously identified these claims and has filed the appropriate lien or liens.

    (2) The contract may include, or may be subsequently amended to include, any or all previously identified claims and any other potential lien claims, identified or not, if the department determines that it will not otherwise be able to effectively process recovery. This paragraph shall cease to be operative on January 1, 1995.

    (d) There shall be no cost to the contractor for claim detail reports provided by the fiscal intermediary. In all cases of workers' compensation appeals, payment shall be made directly to the state and a contractor shall not handle or have access to any moneys owing the state. In these cases a bond required by the state for collection agencies shall be sufficient. Contractor's files shall be subject to audit, pursuant to the contract, but shall remain the property of the contractor. At the request of the department, the contractor shall provide copies of any claims related to a particular recovery.

    (e) The contract shall provide that the contractor, with the permission of the Attorney General, may appeal decisions of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 560, Sec. 4.)