Section 12301.06.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, except as provided in subdivision (d), the department shall implement a 3.6-percent reduction in hours of service to each recipient of services under this article, which shall be applied to the recipient's hours as authorized pursuant to the most recent assessment. This reduction shall be effective 90 days after the enactment of the act that adds this section. The reduction required by this section shall not preclude any reassessment to which a recipient would otherwise be entitled. However, hours authorized pursuant to a reassessment shall be subject to the 3.6-percent reduction required by this section.

    (2) A recipient of services under this article may direct the manner in which the reduction of hours is applied to the recipient's previously authorized services.

    (3) For those individuals who have a documented unmet need, excluding protective supervision because of the limitations on authorized hours under Section 12303.4, the reduction shall be taken first from the documented unmet need.

    (b) (1) The reduction in hours of service pursuant to subdivision (a) shall cease to be implemented on July 1, 2013.

    (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that on July 1, 2013, services shall be restored to the level authorized pursuant to the recipient's most recent assessment, and increased by the previously deducted 3.6 percent.

    (c) The notice of action informing the recipient of the reduction pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be mailed at least 30 days prior to the reduction going into effect. The notice of action shall be understandable to the recipient and translated into all languages spoken by a substantial number of the public served by the In-Home Supportive Services program, in accordance with Section 7295.2 of the Government Code. The notice shall not contain any recipient financial or confidential identifying information other than the recipient's name, address, and Case Management Information and Payroll System (CMIPS) client identification number, and shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following information:

    (1) The aggregate number of authorized hours before the reduction pursuant to subdivision (a) and the aggregate number of authorized hours after the reduction.

    (2) That the recipient may direct the manner in which the reduction of authorized hours is applied to the recipient's previously authorized services.

    (3) That the reduction of hours shall remain in effect until July 1, 2013, at which time service hours shall be restored to the recipient's authorized level, based on the most recent assessment, and increased by the previously deducted 3.6 percent.

    (d) A recipient shall have all appeal rights otherwise provided for under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 10950) of Part 2.

    (e) (1) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the department may implement and administer this section through all-county letters or similar instructions from the department.

    (f) This section shall become inoperative on July 1, 2013, and, as of January 1, 2014, is repealed, unless a later enacted statute that is enacted before January 1, 2014, deletes or extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is repealed.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 47, Sec. 34. Effective June 27, 2012. Inoperative July 1, 2013. Repealed as of January 1, 2014, by its own provisions.)