Section 11461.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For children or, on and after January 1, 2012, nonminor dependents placed in a licensed or approved family home with a capacity of six or less, or in an approved home of a relative or nonrelated legal guardian, or the approved home of a nonrelative extended family member as described in Section 362.7, or, on and after January 1, 2012, a supervised independent living placement, as defined in subdivision (w) of Section 11400, the per child per month basic rates in the following schedule shall be in effect for the period July 1, 1989, through December 31, 1989:


    Basic rate

     0–4 ........................


     5–8 ........................


     9–11 ........................


    12–14 ........................


    15–20 ........................


    (b) (1) Any county that, as of October 1, 1989, has in effect a basic rate that is at the levels set forth in the schedule in subdivision (a), shall continue to receive state participation, as specified in subdivision (c) of Section 15200, at these levels.

    (2) Any county that, as of October 1, 1989, has in effect a basic rate that exceeds a level set forth in the schedule in subdivision (a), shall continue to receive the same level of state participation as it received on October 1, 1989.

    (c) The amounts in the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be adjusted as follows:

    (1) Effective January 1, 1990, the amounts in the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be increased by 12 percent.

    (2) Effective May 1, 1990, any county that did not increase the basic rate by 12 percent on January 1, 1990, shall do both of the following:

    (A) Increase the basic rate in effect December 31, 1989, for which state participation is received by 12 percent.

    (B) Increase the basic rate, as adjusted pursuant to subparagraph (A), by an additional 5 percent.

    (3) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), effective July 1, 1990, for the 1990–91 fiscal year, the amounts in the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be increased by an additional 5 percent.

    (B) The rate increase required by subparagraph (A) shall not be applied to rates increased May 1, 1990, pursuant to paragraph (2).

    (4) Effective July 1, 1998, the amounts in the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be increased by 6 percent. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 6-percent increase provided for in this paragraph shall, retroactive to July 1, 1998, apply to every county, including any county to which paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) applies, and shall apply to foster care for every age group.

    (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any increase that takes effect after July 1, 1998, shall apply to every county, including any county to which paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) applies, and shall apply to foster care for every age group.

    (6) The increase in the basic foster family home rate shall apply only to children placed in a licensed foster family home receiving the basic rate or in an approved home of a relative or nonrelative extended family member, as described in Section 362.7, a supervised independent living placement, as defined in subdivision (w) of Section 11400, or a nonrelated legal guardian receiving the basic rate. The increased rate shall not be used to compute the monthly amount that may be paid to licensed foster family agencies for the placement of children in certified foster homes.

    (d) (1) (A) Beginning with the 1991–92 fiscal year, the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be adjusted by the percentage changes in the California Necessities Index, computed pursuant to the methodology described in Section 11453, subject to the availability of funds.

    (B) In addition to the adjustment in subparagraph (A) effective January 1, 2000, the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall be increased by 2.36 percent rounded to the nearest dollar.

    (C) Effective January 1, 2008, the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a), as adjusted pursuant to subparagraph (B), shall be increased by 5 percent, rounded to the nearest dollar. The increased rate shall not be used to compute the monthly amount that may be paid to licensed foster family agencies for the placement of children in certified foster family homes, and shall not be used to recompute the foster care maintenance payment that would have been paid based on the age-related, state-approved foster family home care rate and any applicable specialized care increment, for any adoption assistance agreement entered into prior to October 1, 1992, or in any subsequent reassessment for adoption assistance agreements executed before January 1, 2008.

    (2) (A) Any county that, as of the 1991–92 fiscal year, receives state participation for a basic rate that exceeds the amount set forth in the schedule of basic rates in subdivision (a) shall receive an increase each year in state participation for that basic rate of one-half of the percentage adjustments specified in paragraph (1) until the difference between the county's adjusted state participation level for its basic rate and the adjusted schedule of basic rates is eliminated.

    (B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), all counties for the 1999–2000 fiscal year and the 2007–08 fiscal year shall receive an increase in state participation for the basic rate of the entire percentage adjustment described in paragraph (1).

    (3) If a county has, after receiving the adjustments specified in paragraph (2), a state participation level for a basic rate that is below the amount set forth in the adjusted schedule of basic rates for that fiscal year, the state participation level for that rate shall be further increased to the amount specified in the adjusted schedule of basic rates.

    (e) (1) As used in this section, "specialized care increment" means an approved AFDC–FC amount paid on behalf of an AFDC-FC child requiring specialized care to a home listed in subdivision (a) in addition to the basic rate. Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the specialized care increment shall not be paid to a nonminor dependent placed in a supervised independent living setting as defined in subdivision (w) of Section 11403. A county may have a ratesetting system for specialized care to pay for the additional care and supervision needed to address the behavioral, emotional, and physical requirements of foster children. A county may modify its specialized care rate system as needed, to accommodate changing specialized placement needs of children.

    (2) (A) The department shall have the authority to review the county's specialized care information, including the criteria and methodology used for compliance with state and federal law, and to require counties to make changes if necessary to conform to state and federal law.

    (B) The department shall make available to the public each county's specialized care information, including the criteria and methodology used to determine the specialized care increments.

    (3) Upon a request by a county for technical assistance, specialized care information shall be provided by the department within 90 days of the request to the department.

    (4) (A) Except for subparagraph (B), beginning January 1, 1990, specialized care increments shall be adjusted in accordance with the methodology for the schedule of basic rates described in subdivisions (c) and (d).

    (B) Notwithstanding subdivision (e) of Section 11460, for the 1993–94 fiscal year, an amount equal to 5 percent of the State Treasury appropriation for family homes shall be added to the total augmentation for the AFDC-FC program in order to provide incentives and assistance to counties in the area of specialized care. This appropriation shall be used, but not limited to, encouraging counties to implement or expand specialized care payment systems, to recruit and train foster parents for the placement of children with specialized care needs, and to develop county systems to encourage the placement of children in family homes. It is the intent of the Legislature that in the use of these funds, federal financial participation shall be claimed whenever possible.

    (C) (i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the specialized care increment shall not receive a cost-of-living adjustment in the 2011–12 or 2012–13 fiscal years.

    (ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), a county may choose to apply a cost-of-living adjustment to its specialized care increment during the 2011–12 or 2012–13 fiscal years. To the extent that a county chooses to apply a cost-of-living adjustment during that time, the state shall not participate in the costs of that adjustment.

    (iii) To the extent that federal financial participation is available for a cost-of-living adjustment made by a county pursuant to clause (ii), it is the intent of the Legislature that the federal funding shall be utilized.

    (5) Beginning in the 2011–12 fiscal year, and for each fiscal year thereafter, funding and expenditures for programs and activities under this subdivision shall be in accordance with the requirements provided in Sections 30025 and 30026.5 of the Government Code.

    (f) (1) As used in this section, "clothing allowance" means the amount paid by a county, at the county's option, in addition to the basic rate for the provision of additional clothing for an AFDC-FC child, including, but not limited to, an initial supply of clothing and school or other uniforms. The frequency and level of funding shall be based on the needs of the child, as determined by the county.

    (2) The state shall no longer participate in any clothing allowance in addition to the basic rate, commencing with the 2011–12 fiscal year.

    (g) (1) Notwithstanding subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, for a child, or on and after January 1, 2012, a nonminor dependent, placed in a licensed or approved family home with a capacity of six or less, or placed in an approved home of a relative or the approved home of a nonrelative extended family member as described in Section 362.7, or placed on and after January 1, 2012, in a supervised independent living placement, as defined in subdivision (w) of Section 11400, the per child per month basic rate in the following schedule shall be in effect for the period commencing July 1, 2011, or the date specified in the final order, for which the time to appeal has passed, issued by a court of competent jurisdiction in California State Foster Parent Association v. William Lightbourne, et al. (U.S. Dist. Ct. C 07-08056 WHA), whichever is earlier, through June 30, 2012:


    Basic rate

     0–4 ........................


     5–8 ........................


     9–11 ........................


    12–14 ........................


    15–20 ........................


    (2) Commencing July 1, 2011, the basic rate set forth in this subdivision shall be annually adjusted on July 1 by the annual percentage change in the California Necessities Index applicable to the calendar year within which each July 1 occurs.

    (3) Subdivisions (e) and (f) shall apply to payments made pursuant to this subdivision.

    (4) Beginning in the 2011–12 fiscal year, and each fiscal year thereafter, funding and expenditures for programs and activities under this subdivision shall be in accordance with the requirements provided in Sections 30025 and 30026.5 of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 35, Sec. 89. Effective June 27, 2012.)