Section 10605.1.  

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  • (a) If a federal disallowance or other financial penalty is imposed on the state based on the results of the federal Children and Family Services Review pursuant to Section 1320a-2a of Title 42 of the United States Code, the department, in consultation with the California State Association of Counties, shall develop an apportionment of the total counties' share of the penalty pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 30026.5 of the Government Code to the individual counties whose performance contributed to the failure to meet the federal outcome target upon which the federal disallowance or other financial penalty is based.

    (b) The apportionment of the total counties' share of the penalty to the appropriate individual counties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

    (1) For individual counties subject to a share of the federal disallowance or other financial penalty pursuant to this section that did not expend in the fiscal year upon which the federal disallowance or financial penalty is based an amount equivalent to 90 percent of that which the county would have had to spend in the 2011–12 fiscal year in the absence of 2011 Realignment Legislation to access the augmentation funding pursuant to Section 10609.9, as that section read prior to the enactment of 2011 Realignment Legislation, on services that were previously funded from the General Fund from with Child Welfare Services Allocation prior to the enactment of 2011 Realignment Legislation, an increased share of the federal disallowance or other financial penalty as calculated in paragraph (2). The determination of whether a county expended the amount necessary to be eligible for the allocation pursuant to this subdivision shall be made based on claims for that fiscal year received by the department as of August 1 of the subsequent fiscal year to the fiscal year in which the federal disallowance or financial penalty is based.

    (2) For every percentage point below the 90 percent expenditure level pursuant to paragraph (1), the individual county's share of the federal disallowance or other financial penalty shall be increased by 2 percentage points. Percentages shall be rounded up or down to the nearest full percentage for purposes of this paragraph.

    (3) Small counties, defined as those counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer pursuant to demographic information released each year by the Department of Finance, are exempt from the minimum expenditure requirement and the increased share of penalties pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2).

    (4) The increased share of federal disallowances or other financial penalties pursuant to paragraph (2) shall not be imposed on any county if the revenues received pursuant to Sections 6051.15 and 6201.15 and allocated to the county's Protective Services Subaccount within the Support Services Account in the fiscal year upon which the federal disallowance or other financial penalty is based do not equal the maximum level of funds allocated to the county's Protective Services Subaccount within the Support Services Account in any fiscal year prior to the fiscal year upon which the federal disallowance or other financial penalty is based plus additional amounts if necessary to fully fund foster care assistance and Adoption Assistance Program payments in the fiscal year upon which the federal disallowance or other financial penalty is based.

    (5) The director is authorized to waive the additional county share of federal disallowances or other financial penalties.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 36, Sec. 71.5. Effective June 27, 2012. Operative July 1, 2012, by Sec. 83 of Ch. 36.)