Section 10553.  

Latest version.
  • The director shall:

    (a) Be responsible for the management of the department.

    (b) Administer the laws pertaining to the administration of public social services, except health care services and medical assistance.

    (c) Observe and report to the Governor on the conditions of public social services, except health care services and medical assistance, throughout the state.

    (d) Perform the disability determination function pursuant to Titles II and XVI of the federal Social Security Act.

    (e) Formulate, adopt, amend or repeal regulations and general policies affecting the purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction of the department and which are consistent with law and necessary for the administration of public social services, except health care services and medical assistance, and the disability determination function pursuant to Titles II and XVI of the federal Social Security Act.

    All regulations relating to public social services, except health care services and medical assistance, or relating to the disability determination function pursuant to Titles II and XVI of the federal Social Security Act, the licensing of community care facilities, or any other function vested in the department, heretofore adopted by the State Department of Health, the State Department of Benefit Payments, or any predecessor department, and in effect immediately preceding the operative date of amendments to this section enacted by the Legislature during the 1977–78 Regular Session, shall remain in effect and shall be fully enforceable unless and until readopted, amended or repealed by the director.

    (f) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, and such other administrative and executive duties as have by other provisions of law been previously imposed.

(Amended by Stats. 1978, Ch. 429.)