Section 10085.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) Automation costs for county interim systems shall be funded with General Fund incentive funds available pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 15200.81 prior to the funding of administrative costs pursuant to clause (I) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 15200.81.

    (2) Automation costs for county interim systems shall be funded with General Fund incentive funds available pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 17704 of the Family Code prior to the funding of administrative costs pursuant to clause (I) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 17704 of the Family Code.

    (3) Paragraph (2) shall only become operative if Assembly Bill 196 of the 1999–2000 Regular Session becomes operative January 1, 2000, in which case paragraph (1) shall be operative only until the operative date of Assembly Bill 196, at which time paragraph (2) shall become operative.

    (b) To the extent funds are provided in the annual Budget Act, the state shall be responsible for funding the development and procurement of the California Child Support Automation System, all costs of transitioning the local child support agencies from their existing child support automation systems to that system, and all of the nonfederal share of local child support agencies' interim automation costs, which may include the following:

    (1) Data cleanup and conversion activities, training costs, and costs associated with the development of county interfaces, as defined by the department.

    (2) Costs associated with ongoing maintenance and operations, as specified by the department.

    (3) Enhancement costs related to state and federal mandates, as specified by the department.

    (4) Enhancement costs related to Year 2000 requirements, as specified by the department. For any local child support agency that does not develop a Year 2000 remediation plan approved by the department, according to standards developed by the department, and does not make progress on the approved work plan, no state funds shall be available.

    (5) Enhancement costs required to meet the distribution requirements contained in Public Law 104-193 and any subsequent amendments to the distribution requirements, as specified by the department.

    (6) Any other costs as deemed necessary by the department to ensure that local child support agencies can continue operating essential interim automation systems.

    (c) (1) Automation costs under this chapter shall not be considered county administrative costs described in Section 15200.81.

    (2) Automation costs under this chapter shall not be considered county administrative costs described in Section 17704 of the Family Code.

    (3) Paragraph (2) shall only become operative if Assembly Bill 196 of the 1999–2000 Regular Session becomes operative January 1, 2000, in which case paragraph (1) shall be operative only until the operative date of Assembly Bill 196, at which time paragraph (2) shall become operative.

    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no local child support agency may enhance or expand a child support automation system unless specifically authorized by the director, in writing, after having made a finding that the enhancement or expansion costs are necessary to maintain existing levels of service, accommodate changes in state or federal law, or will result in increased short-term program performance and is otherwise cost-effective. The director shall respond within 60 days to the request for authorization.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 479, Sec. 2. Effective September 27, 1999. Note: AB 196 (Stats. 1999, Ch. 478) became operative on Jan. 1, 2000.)