Chapter 7. Basic Health Care  

ARTICLE 1. General Provisions
ARTICLE 1.1. Medi-Cal Conflict of Interest Law
ARTICLE 1.3. Provider Enrollment, Application, and Participation
ARTICLE 1.5. Electronic Medical Records
ARTICLE 2. Definitions
ARTICLE 2.5. Physicians Costs
ARTICLE 2.6. Selective Provider Contracts
ARTICLE 2.7. Contracts for Medi-Cal Services and Case Management
ARTICLE 2.8. County Health Systems
ARTICLE 2.81. Managed Health Care System for Los Angeles County
ARTICLE 2.82. Managed Health Care Expansion into Rural Counties
ARTICLE 2.9. Primary Care Provider Case Management
ARTICLE 2.91. Geographic Managed Care Pilot Project
ARTICLE 2.92. Health Benefits Study
ARTICLE 2.93. Payments to Hospitals
ARTICLE 2.95. Primary Care Provider Enrollment
ARTICLE 2.97. Managed Care Plan Contracts
ARTICLE 2.98. California Children’s Services Program and Medi-Cal Managed Care Contracts
ARTICLE 2.99. Provider Contract Considerations
ARTICLE 3. Administration
ARTICLE 3.2. Drug Medi-Cal Treatment Program
ARTICLE 3.5. Third Party Liability
ARTICLE 3.7. Incontinence Medical Supplies
ARTICLE 3.8. Medi-Cal Long-Term Care Reimbursement Act
ARTICLE 4. The Medi-Cal Benefits Program
ARTICLE 4.2. Reinvestment of Savings
ARTICLE 4.3. Long-Term Care Integration Pilot Program
ARTICLE 4.4. Dialysis, Parenteral Hyperalimentation, and Related Services
ARTICLE 4.5. Development and Implementation of Long-Term Care Integration Pilot Projects
ARTICLE 4.7. Perinatal Services Program
ARTICLE 4.8. Perinatal Outreach, Coordination, and Expansion Services
ARTICLE 4.9. Medi-Cal Managed Care Benefits for Nondisabled Persons with HIV
ARTICLE 5. Fiscal Provisions
ARTICLE 5.1. California Medical Assistance Commission
ARTICLE 5.15. Medi-Cal Funding for South Los Angeles
ARTICLE 5.17. Nondesignated Public Hospital Medi-Cal Rate Stabilization Act
ARTICLE 5.2. Medi-Cal Hospital Care/Uninsured Hospital Care Demonstration Project Act
ARTICLE 5.22. Quality Assurance Fee Act
ARTICLE 5.227. Hospital Quality Assurance Fee Act of 2011
ARTICLE 5.228. Medi-Cal Hospital Provider Rate Improvement Act of 2011
ARTICLE 5.229. Private Hospital Quality Assurance Fee Act of 2011
ARTICLE 5.230. Medi-Cal Hospital Reimbursement Improvement Act of 2013
ARTICLE 5.231. Medi-Cal Hospital Reimbursement Improvement and Restoration Act of 2013
ARTICLE 5.3. Audit, Appeal, and Recovery of Overpayments
ARTICLE 5.4. Health Care Coordination, Improvement, and Long-Term Cost Containment Waiver or Demonstration Project
ARTICLE 5.6. Drug Utilization Under Medi-Cal Managed Care Programs
ARTICLE 5.7. Long-Term Services and Supports Integration
ARTICLE 5.9. Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Mental Health Benefits
ARTICLE 6. Sterilizations
ARTICLE 6.1. Medi-Cal Therapeutic Drug Utilization Review
ARTICLE 6.5. Regional Burn and Trauma Center Program
ARTICLE 6.6. Medicaid Expansion Under The Federal Affordable Care Act
( Chapter 7 added by Stats. 1965, 2nd Ex. Sess., Ch. 4. )