Section 35512.

Latest version.
  • The bonds shall be substantially in the following form:

    Parking District No. (Number of district)
    of the City of _______________

    Improvement Bond



    Under and by virtue of the Parking District Law of 1951, I, out of the fund for the above designated Parking District No.?____ of the City of ____ bonds, will pay to ____, or order, (or to bearer,) the sum of $____, with interest at the rate of ___ percent per annum, all as is hereinafter specified, and at the office of the Treasurer of the City of ____, State of California.

    This bond is issued to provide funds necessary for the redemption of bonds for certain parking places in the City of ____ as the same are more fully described in assessment number ____ issued by the street superintendent of said city and recorded in his office. Its amount is the amount assessed in said assessment against the lot or parcel of land numbered therein, and in the diagram attached thereto, as number ____, and which now remains unpaid, and constitutes a lien upon the property affected thereby, as the same is described herein, and in said recorded assessment with its diagram, to wit: The lot or parcel of land in said City of ____, County of ____, State of California, described as follows: ______

    This bond is payable exclusively from said fund, and neither the city nor any officer thereof is to be holden for payment otherwise of its principal or interest. The term of this bond is ____ years from the second day of January next succeeding the next ____ following its date, and at the expiration of said time the whole sum then unpaid shall be due and payable; but on the second day of January of each year, following the next ____ after its date, an even annual proportion of its whole amount is due and payable, upon presentation of the coupon therefor, until the whole is paid, with all accrued interest at the rate of ____ per centum per annum.

    The interest is payable semiannually, to wit: On the second days of January and of July in each year hereafter, upon presentation of the coupons therefor, hereto attached, the first of which is for the interest from date to the next second day of ____ and thereafter the interest coupons are for semiannual interest.

    This bond may be redeemed by the owner or any person interested in any lot or parcel of land described herein, in the manner provided in said law, at any time before maturity, and before commencement of proceedings for sale, upon payment to the treasurer, for the holder of this bond, of the amount then unpaid on the principal thereof, with interest thereon calculated up to the due date of the next maturing interest coupon, and all penalties accrued and unpaid together with a premium of 3 percent of the unpaid principal.

    Should default be made in the annual payment upon the principal, or in any payment of interest from the owner of said lot or parcel of land, or anyone in his behalf, the holder of this bond is entitled on or after the second day of January or July, as the case may be, following such default to declare the whole unpaid amount to be due and payable, and to have said lot or parcel of land advertised and sold forthwith, in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that any bond may be reinstated after such default in the manner provided in said law. In case of such default there shall be immediately added to such defaulted amount 1 percent of the amount thereof, and on the first day of each month following such default there shall be added a further penalty of 1 percent of such defaulted amount. The 1 percent penalty first imposed and all subsequent penalties shall be paid to the holder of the bond along with and as a part of such defaulted payment.

    At said City of ____, this ___ day of ____, in the year one thousand, nine hundred and ____.

    Treasurer of the City of

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1969, Ch. 234.)