Section 3114.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This section applies only to assessment districts.

    (b) After the confirmation by the legislative body of any assessment, the clerk of the legislative body shall file, in the office of the county recorder, a copy of the assessment diagram.

    (c) The assessment diagram shall be prepared by the engineer responsible for engineering work. The assessment diagram shall be legibly drawn, and at least one copy shall be printed or reproduced by a process that provides a permanent record. Each sheet of paper or other material used for the permanent record map shall be 18 by 26 inches in size, shall clearly show the particular number of the sheet, the total number of sheets comprising the map, its relation to each adjoining sheet, and shall have encompassing its border a line that leaves a blank margin one inch in width.

    The map shall be labeled substantially as follows: Assessment Diagram, (here insert name or number of district) Assessment District, (here insert city and name of county thereafter), State of California.

    The map shall also have legends reading substantially as follows:

    (1) Filed in the office of the (clerk of the legislative body), this ____ day of ____, 20__.

    _____ (Clerk of the legislative body) _____

    (2) Recorded in the office of the (superintendent of streets) this ____ day of ____, 20__.

    _____ (Superintendent of Streets) _____

    (3) An assessment was levied by the city council (or other appropriate legislative body) on the lots, pieces, and parcels of land shown on this assessment diagram. The assessment was levied on the ____ day of ____, 20__; the assessment diagram and the assessment roll were recorded in the office of the superintendent of streets of that city on the ____ day of ____, 20__. Reference is made to the assessment roll recorded in the office of the superintendent of streets for the exact amount of each assessment levied against each parcel of land shown on this assessment diagram.

    _____ (Clerk of the legislative body) _____

    (4) Filed this ____ day of ____, 20__, at the hour of ____ o'clock __m. in Book ____ of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts at page ____, in the office of the county recorder of the County of ____, State of California.

    _____ (County Recorder of County of ______) _____

    (d) The clerk of the legislative body shall file a copy of the assessment diagram referred to in subdivision (c) in the office of the county recorder of the county in which all or any part of the assessment district shown on the assessment diagram is located upon payment of the filing fee. The filing of the assessment diagram shall be made by the clerk of the legislative body.

    (e) The county recorder shall endorse upon the assessment diagram filed with him or her, pursuant to subdivision (d), the time and date of filing and shall fasten it securely in the "Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts" in which the county recorder is obligated to keep boundary maps under Section 3112. The county recorder shall cross-index the assessment diagram by reference to the city conducting the proceedings and by reference to the page of the book of maps of assessment and community facilities districts in which the boundary map of the district was filed in the book.

    (f) After the confirmation by the legislative body of any assessment and the recording of the assessment and diagram in the office of the street superintendent or other officer of the city in whose office the assessment and diagram have been recorded, the clerk of the legislative body shall execute and record a notice of assessment in the office of the county recorder of each county in which all or any part of the assessment district is located. The notice of assessment shall be in substantially the following form:


    Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned clerk of the legislative body of ____, State of California, hereby gives notice that a diagram and assessment were recorded in the office of the ____ of that city as provided for in Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, and relating to the following described real property:

    (The real property in the assessment district may be described by: (a) stating its exterior boundaries; or (b) describing the property according to any official or recorded map; or (c) referring to the assessment diagram filed in accordance with subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 3114 and the book and page number in the office of the county recorder of the filed plat or map.)

    Notice is further given that upon the recording of this notice in the office of the county recorder, the several assessments assessed on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the filed assessment diagram shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively.

    Reference is made to the assessment diagram and assessment roll recorded in the office of the ____ of that city.


    Dated: _______

    If the assessment district is located in two or more counties, the assessment notice, in lieu of the paragraph following the description of the property, shall state:

    Notice is further given that the above-described real property is located in the Counties of ____ and ____ and upon the recording of this notice in the office of the county recorder of all those counties, effective upon the date of the last recording, the several assessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the filed assessment diagram shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 221, Sec. 126. Effective January 1, 2003.)