Section 182.8.  

Latest version.
  • (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that this program help increase flexibility in the use of state and federal funding to complete transportation improvements. The ability to exchange certain federal funds for state funds may enhance that flexibility. However, it is the intent of the Legislature that the commission make these exchanges only if the exchanges do not compromise other state funded projects or activities.

    (b) The commission shall propose guidelines and procedures to implement this section, hold a public hearing on the guidelines, and adopt the guidelines on or before February 1, 2001. The commission shall begin the exchange program on or before February 1, 2001, if it determines that funding is available for that purpose. The commission may amend its guidelines after holding a public hearing, but may not amend the guidelines between the time it notifies regional transportation planning agencies of the amount of state funds available for exchange and its approval of projects for exchange in any given year.

    (c) On or before January 5 of each year, the department shall report to the commission the amounts apportioned as federal local assistance in the regional surface transportation and congestion mitigation and air quality programs for the year, the Federal Obligation Authority for the year, and the amount of federal funds it expects to be able to obligate for work on projects in all programs on or before September 30 of that year, and the commission, in cooperation with the department, shall determine the amount of state funds from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund that can be made available for exchange under this section. If the release of federal apportionments and obligational authority is delayed beyond November 1 in any year, all the dates specified in this section shall be extended by an equivalent time, however, all federal funds exchanged shall be obligated on or before September 30 of the current federal fiscal year.

    (d) The commission may exchange funds under this section if it determines all of the following:

    (1) Adequate state funds are available to accomplish the exchange without putting at risk other transportation activities or projects needing state funds.

    (2) Any exchange will be consistent with full implementation of the Traffic Congestion Relief Act of 2000.

    (3) Federal funds received in exchange can be readily and effectively used on other projects or activities by the state during the federal fiscal year.

    (e) After making the determinations set forth in subdivision (d) the commission may offer to exchange state funds from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund for federal local assistance funds, subject to the limits imposed under this section. For the purpose of this section, "federal local assistance" funds means regional surface transportation program or congestion mitigation and air quality program apportionments received that federal fiscal year and apportioned as local assistance pursuant to Sections 182.6 and 182.7.

    (f) Not later than February 1 of each year, the commission shall notify the regional transportation planning agencies of the amount of state funds available for exchange for federal local assistance funds for that year. The maximum amount of state funds to be exchanged may not exceed 50 percent of the total amount of federal regional surface transportation program and congestion mitigation and air quality program funds apportioned for the current fiscal year as local assistance pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 182.6 and subdivision (b) of Section 182.7, exclusive of state funds that may be exchanged pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 182.6, paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (h) of Section 182.6, or Section 182.7. Federal funds exchanged under this program shall be available for projects identified by the commission as ready to obligate during determination of the amount available for exchange. The amount of exchange may not exceed the department's ability to obligate all federal funds during the current federal fiscal year. The commission may not exchange state funds for regional surface transportation program funds required to be spent for transportation enhancements. This section does not affect the amount of exchange under subdivision (g) of Sections 182.6, or paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (h) of Section 182.6.

    (g) Regional transportation planning agencies may submit applications for exchange of funds to the commission not later than March 15 of each year. Applications shall identify the proposed use for the exchange funds, including project descriptions, cost estimates, scopes of work, schedules for construction, schedules for expenditures, and any other information required by the commission. The commission may require a region to identify priorities among applications it submits.

    (h) If the commission receives applications for more exchange funds than the amount of state funds available, the commission shall select projects for exchange up to the amount of state funds available. The commission shall explain the criteria it uses to select projects, which shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following:

    (1) Removal of all federal funds from projects.

    (2) Assessment of projects that would benefit most from removal of federal funding because of size, type, location, agency capability, features, or federal requirements.

    (3) Approximate relative equity within the program among regions in receiving state exchange funds over a multiyear period.

    (i) The commission may exchange state funds for federal local assistance funds with agencies requesting exchanges. Agencies wishing to exchange their federal funds shall provide apportionments and obligation authority at the same rate the Federal Highway Administration distributes obligation authority. Agencies exchanging federal funds shall receive funds equal to 90 percent of the obligation authority exchanged. The commission shall approve exchanges of funds not later than its second regularly scheduled meeting following March 15 each year.

    (j) The commission shall determine an exchange payment schedule based on expenditure plans. The commission may suspend exchange payment schedules if it determines projects are not proceeding.

    (k) For financial display and reporting purposes, obligational authority received pursuant to this section shall be reported as a revenue accrual in the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund in the year in which the exchange is approved under subdivision (i). Funds approved for exchange shall be accrued as expenditures in the year in which the exchange is approved. Notwithstanding Section 16362 of the Government Code, the department shall repay from the State Highway Account to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund all funds received as federal reimbursements for funds exchanged under this section as they are received from the Federal Highway Administration, except that those repayments are not required to be made more frequently than on a quarterly basis.

    (l) State funds provided through an exchange under this section shall be encumbered within one year and expended within three years.

    (m) Upon adoption of its implementing guidelines, the commission may consider requests for exchanges under this section.

    (n) Regional and local agencies shall use state exchange funds only for projects or purposes for which the federal local assistance funds being exchanged were originally intended, and may not supplant local funds on projects in order that those local funds can subsequently be used for nontransportation purposes. The commission may require agencies to certify that they are meeting this requirement. Agencies not meeting this maintenance of effort requirement may not be allowed to participate in the next exchange cycle.

    (o) Not later than the effective date of the reauthorization of the federal surface transportation act, the commission shall submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature recommending any changes in the exchange program necessitated by that reauthorization.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 728, Sec. 171. Effective January 1, 2013.)