Section 97.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notwithstanding Section 97.2 or 97.3 or any other provision of this chapter, in implementing the changes in allocations of property tax revenues required by Sections 97, 97.1, 97.2, and 97.3, the county auditor may elect to determine and give effect to the changes in allocations of property tax revenues required by Sections 97, 97.1, 97.2, and 97.3 on a countywide, rather than tax rate area, basis. If the county auditor so elects, he or she shall ensure adequate recognition of year-to-year revenue growth so that the results of changes implemented on a countywide basis do not differ materially from the results which would be obtained from the use of a tax rate area basis.

    (b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the 1992–93 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, in any county in which property tax increment revenues are allocated to a redevelopment agency pursuant to Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code, the county auditor shall deposit in the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund an amount that is equal to the total amount of revenues that would be so deposited pursuant to Sections 97, 97.1, 97.2, and 97.3 if no reduction were made in that amount of revenues for purposes of allocations to a redevelopment agency pursuant to Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code. Those revenues deposited in the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in accordance with this paragraph shall be allocated or transferred only to school districts, county offices of education, or community college districts, in accordance with subdivision (d) of either Section 97.2 or 97.3.

    (2) The deposit of property tax revenue in the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund in accordance with paragraph (1) shall not reduce or otherwise affect the amount of property tax revenue to be allocated to a redevelopment agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code, and any additional amount required to be allocated to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be deducted from those amounts allocated to the county, cities, and special districts with respect to each tax rate area in which property tax increment revenues are allocated to a redevelopment agency. These reductions shall be made in proportion to the total amount of the reductions required with respect to the county and each city and special district in each of these redevelopment agency tax rate areas under Sections 97, 97.1, 97.2, and 97.3.

    (3) This subdivision shall not require the modification of any property tax revenue allocation that was made by the county auditor for the 1992–93 fiscal year in a manner inconsistent with paragraph (1) or (2), if that allocation was implemented on or before June 30, 1993. However, property tax revenue allocations made in the 1993–94 fiscal year and any fiscal year thereafter shall be determined by the county auditor as if the allocations made for the 1992–93 fiscal year had been made in a manner consistent with paragraph (1).

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1167, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1995.)