Section 4705.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Upon completion of the tax roll as prescribed by Section 2152, the county auditor shall determine the total amount of taxes actually extended thereon for each fund for which a tax levy has been included. The amount so determined for each fund shall forthwith be apportioned to the credit of those funds on the accounts of the county auditor and county treasurer and the total thereof shall be entered on the apportioned tax resources accounts of both officers.

    (b) Assessments entered on the secured tax roll shall be apportioned in the same manner if the board of supervisors has extended these procedures to assessments under Section 4702.5.

    (c) Upon completion of the tax roll the auditor shall record the total amount due on the secured taxes receivable accounts.

    (d) The board of supervisors shall provide which moneys in the county treasury, including but not limited to those credited to the tax losses reserve, shall be available to be drawn on to the extent of the amount of uncollected taxes credited to each fund for which a tax levy has been included, and those moneys may thereafter be drawn against in an amount not to exceed the amount of uncollected taxes credited to each fund for which a tax levy has been included in the same manner as if the amount credited had been collected. To the extent that moneys are so expended for a fund in advance of receipt of tax revenue therefor, the tax revenue may not be expended upon receipt. Moneys in the amount credited to the tax losses reserve, as well as tax revenues actually received for funds to the extent moneys have been expended therefor in advance of receipt, shall be available in the county treasury for payment for the same purposes and in the same amounts as the money advance was available prior to being advanced; provided however, that if the moneys so advanced were derived from the proceeds of the sale of bonds, including notes, certificates of participation, or other instruments evidencing indebtedness, authorized pursuant to subdivision (e) or otherwise permitted by law, or the investment of those amounts, then tax revenues actually received, including delinquent penalties, shall be used for the repayment of the bonds or the replenishment of any reserve fund for these bonds, or both.

    (e) Any county that has elected to adopt the procedure authorized by this chapter is hereby authorized, in addition to any other financing permitted by law, to fund the procedure by the issuance of bonds payable from any delinquent taxes, assessments, and delinquent penalties in accordance with Chapter 6.6 (commencing with Section 54773) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code. Once the procedure authorized by this chapter is adopted, the obligation of the county to fund the procedure is an obligation imposed by law.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 293, Sec. 5. Effective July 21, 1994.)