Section 18510.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) The Franchise Tax Board shall revise the returns required to be filed pursuant to this article, Article 2 (commencing with Section 18601), Section 18633, Section 18633.5, and Article 3 (commencing with Section 23771) of Chapter 4 of Part 11, and the accompanying instructions for filing those returns, in a form and manner approved by the State Board of Equalization, to allow a person to report and pay qualified use tax in accordance with the provisions of Section 6452.1.

    (2) Within 10 working days of receiving from the Franchise Tax Board the returns and instructions described in paragraph (1), the State Board of Equalization shall do either of the following:

    (A) Approve the form and manner of the returns and instructions and notify the Franchise Tax Board of this approval.

    (B) Submit comments to the Franchise Tax Board regarding changes to the returns and instructions that shall be incorporated before the State Board of Equalization approves the form and manner of the returns and instructions.

    (b) Any payments and credits shown on the return, together with any other credits associated with that person's account, of a person that elects to report qualified use tax on an acceptable tax return shall be applied in the following order:

    (1) Taxes imposed under Part 10 (commencing with Section 17001) or Part 11 (commencing with Section 23001), including penalties and interest, if any, imposed under this part.

    (2) Qualified use tax as reported on the acceptable tax return, in accordance with Section 6452.1.

    (c) The Franchise Tax Board shall transfer the qualified use tax received pursuant to Section 6452.1, and any information the State Board of Equalization deems necessary for its administration of the use tax, to the State Board of Equalization within 60 days from the date the use tax is received or the acceptable tax return is processed, whichever is later.

    (d) This section shall be operative for returns filed for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2010.

    (e) The amendments made by the act adding this subdivision shall apply to returns filed for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2011.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 14, Sec. 3. Effective March 24, 2011.)