Section 130265.

Latest version.
  • In 1990, the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission adopted an approved San Fernando Valley rail rapid transit route and plan as described in the Findings and Mitigation Monitoring Program adopted by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission on February 28, 1990, as an extension of metro rail or advanced technology transit, other than light rail, that is a deep bore subway through residential areas, unless modified through a subsequent state or federal environmental review process. Therefore, the following apply within the right-of-way of the Burbank Branch line of the Southern Pacific Railroad:

    (a) In the area between the western curb of Hazeltine Avenue and a line parallel to and 50 feet west of the western edge of the Hollywood freeway, there may not be constructed any exclusive public mass transit rail guideway, rail rapid transit or light rail system, or other track, other than as a subway system that is covered and below grade.

    (b) In the area described in subdivision (c), no station may be constructed, other than a station where the main entrance is located on property that is currently part of the Los Angeles Valley College campus or on that portion of the existing railroad right-of-way located north of Burbank Boulevard and east of Fulton Avenue.

    (c) In the area below Tujunga Wash and at least one mile to the east and west of Tujunga Wash, there may not be constructed any exclusive public mass transit rail guideway, rail rapid transit or light rail system, or other track, other than as a subway using boring technology as a deep bore subway located at least 25 feet below ground, measured from the existing ground level to the top of the tunnel.

    (d) This section is not intended to mandate the selection by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission of any transit route or the construction of any route configuration or alignment, or to prevent consideration by that commission of any monorail or other advanced technology option on any alternative route, but this section is intended solely to define statutorily the route configuration and alignment limitations adopted locally by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission on February 28, 1990.

(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 512, Sec. 2. Effective October 4, 2001.)