Section 1511.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (f) and (g), at least 15 days before the hearing on the petition for the appointment of a guardian, notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given as provided in subdivisions (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the petition. The court may not shorten the time for giving the notice of hearing under this section.

    (b) Notice shall be served in the manner provided in Section 415.10 or 415.30 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or in any manner authorized by the court, on all of the following persons:

    (1) The proposed ward if 12 years of age or older.

    (2) Any person having legal custody of the proposed ward, or serving as guardian of the estate of the proposed ward.

    (3) The parents of the proposed ward.

    (4) Any person nominated as a guardian for the proposed ward under Section 1500 or 1501.

    (c) Notice shall be given by mail sent to their addresses stated in the petition, or in any manner authorized by the court, to all of the following:

    (1) The spouse named in the petition.

    (2) The relatives named in the petition, except that if the petition is for the appointment of a guardian of the estate only the court may dispense with the giving of notice to any one or more or all of the relatives.

    (3) The person having the care of the proposed ward if other than the person having legal custody of the proposed ward.

    (d) If notice is required by Section 1461 or Section 1542 to be given to the Director of State Hospitals or the Director of Developmental Services or the Director of Social Services, notice shall be mailed as so required.

    (e) If the petition states that the proposed ward is receiving or is entitled to receive benefits from the Veterans Administration, notice shall be mailed to the office of the Veterans Administration referred to in Section 1461.5.

    (f) Unless the court orders otherwise, notice shall not be given to any of the following:

    (1) The parents or other relatives of a proposed ward who has been relinquished to a licensed adoption agency.

    (2) The parents of a proposed ward who has been judicially declared free from their custody and control.

    (g) Notice need not be given to any person if the court so orders upon a determination of either of the following:

    (1) The person cannot with reasonable diligence be given the notice.

    (2) The giving of the notice would be contrary to the interest of justice.

    (h) Before the appointment of a guardian is made, proof shall be made to the court that each person entitled to notice under this section either:

    (1) Has been given notice as required by this section.

    (2) Has not been given notice as required by this section because the person cannot with reasonable diligence be given the notice or because the giving of notice to that person would be contrary to the interest of justice.

    (i) If notice is required by Section 1460.2 to be given to an Indian custodian or tribe, notice shall be mailed as so required.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 440, Sec. 41. Effective September 22, 2012.)