Section 741.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The board shall appoint a Range Management Advisory Committee and shall consult with the advisory committee on rangeland resource issues under consideration by the board.

    (b) The advisory committee shall consist of 11 members, who shall be selected as follows:

    (1) Two members of the general public, who have an interest and background in the conservation of range resources or special knowledge in the protection of range and brushland soils and watersheds.

    (2) One member nominated by the Watershed Fire Council of Southern California.

    (3) One member nominated by the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts.

    (4) Seven members nominated by organizations representing owners of range and brushlands.

    (c) Members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation.

    (d) The Secretary of the Resources Agency, the Secretary for Environmental Protection, and the Secretary of Food and Agriculture shall notify the advisory committee of, and are encouraged to consult with the advisory committee on, rangeland resource issues that are under consideration by the Resources Agency, the California Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Food and Agriculture, respectively.

(Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 297, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1997.)