Section 14306.  

Latest version.
  • To implement the provisions of this division, the director may do all of the following:

    (a) Recruit and employ corpsmembers and special corpsmembers.

    (b) Adopt criteria for selecting applicants for employment in the corps' program.

    (c) Execute contracts containing such terms and conditions as are deemed necessary and desirable for the employment of corpsmembers.

    (d) Authorize utilization of the corps for emergency projects occasioned by natural disasters, fire prevention and suppression, rescue of lost or injured persons, and any other activity or project necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this division.

    (e) Apply for and accept grants or contributions of funds from any public or private source.

    (f) Purchase, rent, or otherwise acquire or obtain necessary property, supplies, instruments, tools, equipment, and conveniences.

    (g) Execute contracts for furnishing the services of the corps to any federal, state, or local public agency; any local or statewide private organization concerned with the objectives of the corps' program, as specified in Sections 14000 and 14300; and any person, firm, partnership, or corporation concerned with these objectives.

    (h) Procure insurance.

    (i) Be reimbursed by the federal government, any state or local public agency, or any private organization for actual expenses incurred by the corps for any project undertaken for any such entity pursuant to subdivision (d) or (g) or pursuant to Section 14307.

    (j) To the extent permitted by Article VII of the California Constitution, execute contracts with any person, natural or corporate, for the purpose of implementing the objectives of the corps, as specified in Sections 14000 and 14300.

    (k) Utilize any services, material, or property of any agency of the state, and may make such agreements with any agency of the state or take such other actions as are reasonable and necessary.

    (l) Contract with public or private nonprofit entities to provide services for the corps.

    (m) Contract with the University of California, the California State University, the community college districts, and private institutions for the creation of special admission and tuition credit programs for corpsmembers.

(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1710, Sec. 4.)