Section 10252.  

Latest version.
  • The director shall evaluate a proposal for a fee title or agricultural conservation easement acquisition grant based upon the overall value of the project, taking into consideration the goals and objectives for this program, and the extent to which the proposed project satisfies the following selection criteria:

    (a) The quality of the agricultural land, based on land capability, farmland mapping and monitoring program definitions, productivity indices, and other soil, climate, and vegetative factors.

    (b) The proposal meets multiple natural resource conservation objectives, including, but not limited to, wetland protection, wildlife habitat conservation, and scenic open-space preservation.

    (c) The city or county demonstrates a long-term commitment to agricultural land conservation as demonstrated by the following:

    (1) The general plan and related land use policies of the city or county.

    (2) Policies of the local agency formation commission.

    (3) California Environmental Quality Act policies and procedures.

    (4) The existence of active local agricultural land conservancies or trusts.

    (5) The use of an effective right-to-farm ordinance.

    (6) Applied strategies for the economic support and enhancement of agricultural enterprise, including water policies, public education, marketing support, and consumer and recreational incentives.

    (7) Other relevant policies and programs.

    (d) If the land is in a county that participates in the Williamson Act (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 51200) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code), the land proposed for protection is within a county or city designated agricultural preserve.

    (e) The land proposed for conservation is within two miles outside of the exterior boundary of the sphere of influence of a city as established by the local agency formation commission.

    (f) The applicant demonstrates fiscal and technical capability to effectively carry out the proposal. Technical capability may be demonstrated by agricultural land conservation expertise on the governing board or staff of the applicant, or through partnership with an organization that has that expertise.

    (g) The proposal demonstrates a coordinated approach among affected landowners, local governments, and nonprofit organizations. If other entities are affected, there is written support from those entities for the proposal and a willingness to cooperate. The support of neighboring landowners who are not involved in the proposal shall be considered.

    (h) The conservation of the land supports long-term private stewardship and continued agricultural production in the region.

    (i) The proposal demonstrates an innovative approach to agricultural land conservation with a potential for wide application in the state.

    (j) The amount of matching funds and in-kind services contributed by local governments and other sources toward the acquisition of the fee title or agricultural conservation easement, or both.

    (k) The price of the proposed acquisition is cost-effective in comparison to the fair market value.

    (l) Other relevant considerations established by the director.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 616, Sec. 19. Effective January 1, 2003.)