Section 2054.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Corrections may establish and maintain classes for inmates by utilizing personnel of the Department of Corrections, or by entering into an agreement with the governing board of a school district or private school or the governing boards of school districts under which the district shall maintain classes for such inmates. The governing board of a school district or private school may enter into such an agreement regardless of whether the institution or facility at which the classes are to be established and maintained is within or without the boundaries of the school district.

    Any agreement entered into between the Director of Corrections and a school district or private school pursuant to this section may require the Department of Corrections to reimburse the school district or private school for the cost to the district or private school of maintaining such classes. "Cost" as used herein includes contributions required of any school district to the State Teachers' Retirement System, but such cost shall not include an amount in excess of the amount expended by the district for salaries of the teachers for such classes, increased by one-fifth. Salaries of such teachers for the purposes of this section shall not exceed the salaries as set by the governing board for teachers in other classes for adults maintained by the district, or private schools.

    Attendance or average daily attendance in classes established pursuant to this section or in classes in trade and industrial education or vocational training for adult inmates of institutions or facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections shall not be reported to the State Department of Education for apportionment and no apportionment from the State School Fund shall be made on account of average daily attendance in such classes.

    No school district or private school shall provide for the academic education of adult inmates of state institutions or facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections except in accordance with this section.

    The Legislature hereby declares that for each fiscal year funds for the support of the academic education program for inmates of the institutions or facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections shall be provided, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the Department of Corrections at the rate of forty dollars ($40) multiplied by the total number of inmates which the Department of Corrections estimates will be in such institutions or facilities on December 31st of the fiscal year, except as provided in Section 2054.1.

(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 303.)