Section 13510.7.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever any person holding a certificate issued pursuant to Section 13510.1 is determined to be disqualified from holding office or being employed as a peace officer for the reasons set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 1029 of the Government Code, and the person has exhausted or waived his or her appeal, pursuant to Section 1237 or Section 1237.5, from the conviction or finding that forms the basis for or accompanies his or her disqualification, the commission shall cause the following to be entered in the commission's training record for that person: "THIS PERSON IS INELIGIBLE TO BE A PEACE OFFICER IN CALIFORNIA PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 1029(a)."

    (b) Whenever any person who is required to possess a basic certificate issued by the commission pursuant to Section 832.4 or who is subject to subdivision (a) of Section 13510.1 is determined to be disqualified from holding office or being employed as a peace officer for the reasons set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 1029 of the Government Code, the commission shall notify the law enforcement agency that employs the person that the person is ineligible to be a peace officer in California pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1029 of the Government Code. The person's basic certificate shall be null and void and the commission shall enter this information in the commission's training record for that person.

    (c) After the time for filing a notice of appeal has passed, or where the remittitur has been issued following the filing of a notice of appeal, in a criminal case establishing the ineligibility of a person to be a peace officer as specified in subdivision (c), the commission shall reinstate a person's basic certificate in the event a conviction of the offense requiring or accompanying ineligibility is subsequently overturned or reversed by the action of a court of competent jurisdiction.

    (d) Upon request of a person who is eligible for reinstatement pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 1029 of the Government Code because of successful completion of probation pursuant to Section 1210.1 of the Penal Code, the court having jurisdiction over the matter in which probation was ordered pursuant to Section 1210.1 shall notify the commission of the successful completion and the misdemeanor nature of the person's conviction. The commission shall thereupon reinstate the person's eligibility. Reinstatement of eligibility in the person's training record shall not create a mandate that the person be hired by any agency.

(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 405, Sec. 22. Effective January 1, 2005.)