Section 1233.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a) It is the intent of the Legislature for counties demonstrating high success rates with adult felony probationers to have access to performance-based funding as provided for in this section.

    (b) On an annual basis, the Department of Finance, in consultation with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Chief Probation Officers of California, and the Administrative Office of the Courts, shall calculate 5 percent of the total statewide estimated number of probationers successfully prevented from being incarcerated for counties that successfully reduce the number of adult felony probationers incarcerated multiplied by the state's cost of housing an inmate in a contract facility, and to supervise on parole a probationer who was sent to prison, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1233.1.

    (c) The amount estimated pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be used to provide high performance grants to county probation departments for the purpose of bolstering evidence-based probation practices designed to reduce recidivism among adult felony probationers.

    (d) County probation departments eligible for these high performance grants shall be those with adult probation failure rates more than 50 percent below the statewide average in the most recently completed calendar year.

    (e) A county probation department that qualifies for a probation failure reduction incentive payment, as provided in Section 1233.3, and a high performance grant payment in the same year shall choose to receive either the probation failure incentive payment or the high performance grant payment. The Chief Probation Officer of a county that qualifies for both a high performance grant and a probation failure reduction incentive payment shall indicate to the Administrative Office of the Courts, by a date designated by the Administrative Office of the Courts, whether the Chief Probation Officer chooses to receive the high performance grant or probation failure reduction payment.

    (f) The grants provided for in this section shall be administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall seek to ensure that all qualifying probation departments that submit qualifying applications receive a proportionate share of the grant funding available based on the population of adults 18 to 25 years of age, inclusive, in each of the counties qualifying for the grants.

    (g) A county that fails to provide the information specified in Section 1231 to the Administrative Office of the Courts is not eligible for a high performance grant payment.

    (h) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2014.

(Repealed (in Sec. 10) and added by Stats. 2013, Ch. 310, Sec. 11. Effective September 12, 2013. Section operative July 1, 2014, by its own provisions.)