Section 20209.7.  

Latest version.
  • Design-build projects shall progress in a three-step process, as follows:

    (a) The transit operator shall prepare a set of documents setting forth the scope of the project. The documents shall include, but are not limited to, the size, type, and desired design character of the buildings, transit facilities, and site, performance specifications covering the quality of materials, equipment, and workmanship, preliminary plans or building layouts, or any other information deemed necessary to describe adequately the transit operator's needs. The performance specifications and any plans shall be prepared by a design professional duly licensed or registered in California.

    (b) Any architectural or engineering firm or individual retained by the transit operator to assist in the development criteria or preparation of the request for proposal (RFP) is not eligible to participate in the competition for the design-build entity.

    (c) (1) For contracts for public works projects awarded prior to the effective date of the regulations adopted by the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code, the transit operator shall establish and enforce a labor compliance program containing the requirements outlined in Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code or shall contract with a third party to operate this labor compliance program containing the requirements outlined in Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code. This requirement shall not apply to projects where the transit operator or the design-build entity has entered into a collective bargaining agreement that binds all of the contractors performing work on the project, or to any other project of the transit operator that is not design-build.

    (2) For contracts for public works projects awarded on or after the effective date of the regulations adopted by the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code, the transit operator shall reimburse the department for its reasonable and directly related costs of performing prevailing wage monitoring and enforcement on public works projects pursuant to rates established by the department as set forth in subdivision (h) of Section 1771.5 of the Labor Code. All moneys collected pursuant to this subdivision shall be deposited in the State Public Works Enforcement Fund created by Section 1771.3 of the Labor Code, and shall be used only for enforcement of prevailing wage requirements on those projects.

    (3) In lieu of reimbursing the Department of Industrial Relations for its reasonable and directly related costs of performing monitoring and enforcement on public works projects, the transit operator may elect to continue operating an existing previously approved labor compliance program to monitor and enforce prevailing wage requirements on the project if it has either not contracted with a third party to conduct its labor compliance program and requests and receives approval from the department to continue its existing program or it enters into a collective bargaining agreement that binds all of the contractors performing work on the project and that includes a mechanism for resolving disputes about the payment of wages.

    (d) (1) Each RFP shall identify the basic scope and needs of the project or contract, the expected cost range, and other information deemed necessary by the contracting agency to inform interested parties of the contracting opportunity.

    (2) Each RFP shall invite interested parties to submit competitive sealed proposals in the manner prescribed by the contracting agency.

    (3) Each RFP shall include a section identifying and describing:

    (A) All significant factors that the agency reasonably expects to consider in evaluating proposals, including cost or price and all nonprice-related factors.

    (B) The methodology and rating or weighting process that will be used by the agency in evaluating competitive proposals and specifically whether proposals will be rated according to numeric or qualitative values.

    (C) The relative importance or weight assigned to each of the factors identified in the RFP. If a nonweighted system is used, the agency shall specifically disclose whether all evaluation factors other than cost or price, when combined, are any of the following:

    (i) Significantly more important than cost or price.

    (ii) Approximately equal in importance to cost or price.

    (iii) Significantly less important than cost or price.

    (D) If the contracting agency wishes to reserve the right to hold discussions or negotiations with offerors, it shall specify the same in the RFP and shall publish separately or incorporate into the RFP applicable rules and procedures to be observed by the agency to ensure that any discussions or negotiations are conducted in a fair and impartial manner.

    (e) (1) The transit operator shall establish a procedure to prequalify design-build entities using a standard questionnaire developed by the Director of Industrial Relations. The standardized questionnaire shall not require prospective bidders to disclose any violations of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code committed prior to January 1, 1998, if the violation was based on a subcontractor's failure to comply with these provisions and the bidder had no knowledge of the subcontractor's violations and the bidder complied with the conditions set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 1775 of the Labor Code. In preparing the questionnaire, the director shall consult with the construction industry, building trades, transit operators, and other affected parties. This questionnaire shall require information relevant to the architecture or engineering firm that will be the lead on the design-build project. The questionnaire shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:

    (A) A listing of all the contractors that are part of the design-build entity.

    (B) Evidence that the members of the design-build entity have completed, or demonstrated the experience, competency, capability, and capacity to complete, projects of similar size, scope, or complexity, and that proposed key personnel have sufficient experience and training to competently manage and complete the design and construction of the project.

    (C) The licenses, registrations, and credentials required to design and construct the project, including information on the revocation or suspension of any license, credential, or registration.

    (D) Evidence that establishes that the design-build entity has the capacity to obtain all required payment and performance bonding, liability insurance, and errors and omissions insurance, as well as a financial statement that assures the transit operator that the design-build entity has the capacity to complete the project.

    (E) Any prior serious or willful violation of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973, contained in Part 1 (commencing with Section 6300) of Division 5 of the Labor Code or the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-596), settled against any member of the design-build entity, and information concerning a contractor member's workers' compensation experience history and worker safety program.

    (F) Information concerning any debarment, disqualification, or removal from a federal, state, or local government public works project. Any instance where an entity, its owners, officers, or managing employees submitted a bid on a public works project and were found by an awarding body not to be a responsible bidder.

    (G) Any instance where the entity, its owner, officers, or managing employees defaulted on a construction contract.

    (H) Any violations of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code), excluding alleged violations of federal or state law, including the payment of wages, benefits, apprenticeship requirements, or personal income tax withholding, or of Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) withholding requirements settled against any member of the design-build entity.

    (I) Information concerning the bankruptcy or receivership of any member of the entity, and information concerning all legal claims, disputes, or lawsuits arising from any construction project of any member of the entity during the past three years, including information concerning any work completed by a surety.

    (J) If the design-build entity is a partnership, limited partnership, or other association, a listing of all of the partners, general partners, or association members who will participate as subcontractors in the design-build contract.

    (K) Information concerning all settled adverse claims, disputes, or lawsuits between the owner of a public works project and any member of the design-build entity during the five-year period immediately preceding submission of a bid pursuant to this section, in which the claim, settlement, or judgment exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Information shall also be provided concerning any work completed by a surety during this period.

    (L) In the case of a partnership or other association that is not a legal entity, a copy of the agreement creating the partnership or association and specifying that all partners or association members agree to be liable for full performance under the design-build contract.

    (2) The information required pursuant to this subdivision shall be verified under oath by the entity and its members in the manner in which civil pleadings in civil actions are verified. Information that is not a public record pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code) shall not be open to public inspection.

    (f) The transit operator shall establish a procedure for final selection of the design-build entity. Selection shall be subject to the following conditions:

    (1) In no case shall the transit operator award a contract to a design-build entity pursuant to this article for a capital maintenance or capacity-enhancing rail project unless that project exceeds twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) in cost.

    (2) For nonrail transit projects that exceed two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000), the transit operator may award the project to the lowest responsible bidder or by using the best value method.

    (3) For the acquisition and installation of technology applications or surveillance equipment designed to enhance safety, disaster preparedness, and homeland security efforts, there shall be no cost threshold and the transit operator may award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or by using the best value method.

    (g) Except as provided in this section, nothing in this act shall be construed to affect the application of any other law.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 378, Sec. 19. Effective January 1, 2012. Repealed as of January 1, 2015, pursuant to Section 20209.14.)