Section 340.1.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member of the California National Guard, the organized militia, or the unorganized militia, when called into the active service of the state, pursuant to Sections 142, 143, or 146, except an officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member on full-time duty with the Office of the Adjutant General, who is wounded, injured, or disabled in the active service of the state in the line of duty shall be retained on active duty and shall receive regular military pay and allowances for not to exceed 52 weeks from the date of wounding, injury, or disability, regardless of the date of expiration of the period of state active duty, unless any of the following occurs:

    (1) The member becomes entitled to disability compensation through any private or other public employer.

    (2) The member is able to return to his or her regular civilian employment, as determined by proper authority.

    (3) The member requests an earlier release from active duty.

    (b) A member who has received benefits under subdivision (a) and who is unable to return to his or her regular civilian employment following 52 weeks after the date of wounding, injury, or disability is entitled to compensation under Division 4 (commencing with Section 3201) of the Labor Code, pursuant to Section 340.

(Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 287, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1994.)