Section 1777.7.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) A contractor or subcontractor that is determined by the Labor Commissioner to have knowingly violated Section 1777.5 shall forfeit as a civil penalty an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) for each full calendar day of noncompliance. The amount of this penalty may be reduced by the Labor Commissioner if the amount of the penalty would be disproportionate to the severity of the violation. A contractor or subcontractor that knowingly commits a second or subsequent violation of Section 1777.5 within a three-year period, where the noncompliance results in apprenticeship training not being provided as required by this chapter, shall forfeit as a civil penalty the sum of not more than three hundred dollars ($300) for each full calendar day of noncompliance. Notwithstanding Section 1727, upon receipt of a determination that a civil penalty has been imposed by the Labor Commissioner, the awarding body shall withhold the amount of the civil penalty from contract progress payments then due or to become due.

    (2) In lieu of the penalty provided for in this subdivision, the Labor Commissioner may, for a first-time violation and with the concurrence of an apprenticeship program described in subdivision (d), order the contractor or subcontractor to provide apprentice employment equivalent to the work hours that would have been provided for apprentices during the period of noncompliance.

    (b) In the event a contractor or subcontractor is determined by the Labor Commissioner to have knowingly committed a serious violation of any provision of Section 1777.5, the Labor Commissioner may also deny to the contractor or subcontractor, and to its responsible officers, the right to bid on or be awarded or perform work as a subcontractor on any public works contract for a period of up to one year for the first violation and for a period of up to three years for a second or subsequent violation. Each period of debarment shall run from the date the determination of noncompliance by the Labor Commissioner becomes a final order.

    (c) (1) An affected contractor, subcontractor, or responsible officer may obtain a review of the determination of the Labor Commissioner imposing the debarment or civil penalty by transmitting a written request to the office of the Labor Commissioner that appears on the determination within 60 days after service of the determination of debarment or civil penalty. If no hearing is requested within 60 days after service of the determination, the determination shall become final.

    (2) The provisions of Section 1742 shall apply to the review of any determination issued pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b), subject to the following:

    (A) The provisions of Section 1742 and any regulations implementing that section shall apply to a responsible officer who requests review of a determination under this section to the same extent as any affected contractor or subcontractor who requests review.

    (B) In the review of a determination under this section, the affected contractor, subcontractor, or responsible officer shall have the burden of providing evidence of compliance with Section 1777.5.

    (3) For purposes of this section, a determination issued pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) includes a determination that has been approved by the Labor Commissioner and issued by an awarding body that has been authorized to assist the director in the enforcement of Section 1777.5 pursuant to subdivision (p) of that section. The Labor Commissioner shall have the right to intervene in any proceeding for review of a determination issued by an awarding body. If the involvement of the Labor Commissioner in a labor compliance program enforcement action is limited to a review of the determination and the matter is resolved without litigation by or against the Labor Commissioner or the department, the awarding body shall enforce any applicable penalties, as specified in this section, and shall deposit any penalties and forfeitures collected in the General Fund.

    (4) The Labor Commissioner may certify a copy of the final order of the Director of Industrial Relations and file it with the clerk of the superior court in any county in which the affected contractor or subcontractor has property or has or had a place of business. The clerk, immediately upon the filing, shall enter judgment for the state against the person assessed in the amount shown on the certified order. A judgment entered pursuant to this section shall bear the same rate of interest and shall have the same effect as other judgments and be given the same preference allowed by the law on other judgments rendered for claims for taxes. The clerk shall not charge for the service performed by him or her pursuant to this section. An awarding body that has withheld funds in response to a determination imposing a penalty under this section shall, upon receipt of a certified copy of a final order that is no longer subject to judicial review, promptly transmit the withheld funds, up to the amount of the certified order, to the Labor Commissioner.

    (d) If a subcontractor is found to have violated Section 1777.5, the prime contractor of the project is not liable for any penalties under subdivision (a), unless the prime contractor had knowledge of the subcontractor's failure to comply with the provisions of Section 1777.5 or unless the prime contractor fails to comply with any of the following requirements:

    (1) The contract executed between the contractor and the subcontractor or the performance of work on the public works project shall include a copy of the provisions of Sections 1771, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1813, and 1815.

    (2) The contractor shall continually monitor a subcontractor's use of apprentices required to be employed on the public works project pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 1777.5, including, but not limited to, periodic review of the certified payroll of the subcontractor.

    (3) Upon becoming aware of a failure of the subcontractor to employ the required number of apprentices, the contractor shall take corrective action, including, but not limited to, retaining funds due the subcontractor for work performed on the public works project until the failure is corrected.

    (4) Prior to making the final payment to the subcontractor for work performed on the public works project, the contractor shall obtain a declaration signed under penalty of perjury from the subcontractor that the subcontractor has employed the required number of apprentices on the public works project.

    (e) Any funds withheld by the awarding body pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the General Fund if the awarding body is a state entity, or in the equivalent fund of an awarding body if the awarding body is an entity other than the state.

    (f) (1) The Labor Commissioner shall consider, in setting the amount of a monetary penalty, in determining whether a violation is serious, and in determining whether and for how long a party should be debarred for violating this section, all of the following circumstances:

    (A) Whether the violation was intentional.

    (B) Whether the party has committed other violations of Section 1777.5.

    (C) Whether, upon notice of the violation, the party took steps to voluntarily remedy the violation.

    (D) Whether, and to what extent, the violation resulted in lost training opportunities for apprentices.

    (E) Whether, and to what extent, the violation otherwise harmed apprentices or apprenticeship programs.

    (2) If a party seeks review of a decision by the Labor Commissioner to impose a monetary penalty or period of debarment, the Director of Industrial Relations shall decide de novo the appropriate penalty, by considering the same factors set forth above.

    (g) The interpretation of Section 1777.5 and the substantive requirements of this section, including the limitations period for issuing a determination under subdivision (a) or (b), shall be in accordance with the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council. The Director of Industrial Relations may adopt regulations to establish guidelines for the imposition of monetary penalties and periods of debarment and may designate precedential decisions under Section 11425.60 of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 46, Sec. 96. Effective June 27, 2012.)