Section 1780.56.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The commissioner may delegate one or more of the following duties to a qualified surplus line advisory organization under this chapter:

    (1) To receive, review, and record all documents required by law, regulation, or order to be filed with the commissioner or his or her designee with respect to foreign and alien nonadmitted insurers and any insurance placed with nonadmitted insurers, except that the advisory organization shall not receive documents submitted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 1763. The review under this subdivision shall be for completeness, accuracy, and any other matters the commissioner reasonably may direct the advisory organization to review. The advisory organization shall notify the filing surplus line broker in writing of any filing that the advisory organization determines to be incomplete or inaccurate, and shall request the filing broker to correct the problem. The advisory organization may, or as directed by the commissioner shall, notify the commissioner of incomplete or inaccurate filings.

    (2) To conduct a security review and analysis as directed by the commissioner, and to provide to the commissioner, and if directed by the commissioner, to the NAIC, a report on any nonadmitted insurer based on that review and analysis. The review and analysis under this subdivision shall take account of any matters the commissioner reasonably may direct the advisory organization to review and any other matters the advisory organization considers necessary or appropriate.

    (3) To make confidential recommendations to the commissioner and, if directed by the commissioner, to the NAIC, as to the suitability of any foreign or alien nonadmitted insurer to insure property or risks located or persons residing in this state or whether any foreign or alien nonadmitted insurer should be eligible or ineligible or approved pursuant to Section 1765.2. The advisory organization's recommendations shall be based on any review and analysis that it performs under this chapter and on any additional information that may come to the advisory organization's attention or that the commissioner reasonably may request the advisory organization to consider.

    (4) To report to the commissioner and other appropriate authorities instances of actual fraudulent or illegal insurance activity in the surplus line market that come to the advisory organization's attention and any facts that come to the advisory organization's attention that, in the reasonable judgment of the advisory organization, may indicate the presence of fraudulent or illegal insurance activity in the surplus line market or potential risk of harm to consumers of surplus line insurance.

    (5) To maintain and report information necessary or that reasonably may be requested by the commissioner for the calculation and collection of premium taxes on surplus line insurance premiums.

    (6) To respond to any request by the commissioner for comments on any proposed legislation or regulation affecting the placement of insurance pursuant to the surplus line law.

    (7) To receive and disseminate to its members information relating to surplus line insurance, to educate its members about the surplus line law and the regulations pertaining thereto, and to perform any specific educational activities that the commissioner reasonably may request.

    (8) To communicate with organizations of admitted insurers with respect to the proper use of the surplus line market.

    (9) To enter into written arrangements with the commissioner whereby the advisory organization will perform any other functions that, in the judgment of the commissioner and the advisory organization, will help the commissioner provide effective and cost-efficient supervision of the surplus line market.

    (b) If the commissioner delegates to the advisory organization one or more of the duties set forth in subdivision (a), the advisory organization also shall be authorized to assess a stamping fee for each policy, declarations page, cover note, or other premium bearing document submitted to the advisory organization. The stamping fee shall be established from time to time by the governing body of the advisory organization, shall reflect all reasonable costs associated with the services provided by the advisory organization, and may be reviewed by the commissioner for reasonableness as part of the commissioner's examination of the advisory organization. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the stamping fee may not exceed three-fourths of 1 percent of the premium for the insurance. Any proposed increase in the stamping fee above three-fourths of 1 percent shall be filed with the commissioner along with a written explanation of the reason for the increase, and the increase shall take effect upon the expiration of 60 days after the date of filing unless the commissioner disapproves it within that time. Within 60 days after the date of filing, the commissioner may provisionally approve the proposed increase, in which event the increase shall take effect immediately. The proposed increase shall be deemed fully approved upon the expiration of 120 days after the date of filing unless the commissioner disapproves the proposed increase within that time. The stamping fee shall be paid by the surplus line broker, provided, however, that the surplus line broker shall be allowed to receive and collect the stamping fee from the insured.

    (c) Nothing in this chapter shall affect any delegation by the commissioner pursuant to the surplus line law, provided, however, that once the commissioner delegates one or more of the duties set forth in this section and the advisory organization commences operations under this chapter, no other organization may simultaneously perform the same duties under this chapter or exercise the authority incidental thereto.

    (d) The advisory organization may cease performing the duties delegated by the commissioner under this chapter and exercising the authority incidental thereto at any time upon 180 days' written notice to the commissioner. The commissioner may require the advisory organization to continue performing the duties under this chapter for up to an additional 180 days, and the commissioner shall be entitled, following receipt of notice from the advisory organization under this subdivision, to obtain copies of all unprivileged files, documents, and records maintained by the advisory organization on behalf of the commissioner under this chapter.

    (e) The commissioner's findings, determinations, rules, rulings, and orders under this chapter shall apply only to the advisory organization's right to perform the duties delegated by the commissioner under this chapter and to exercise the authority incidental thereto. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to affect the advisory organization's right to exist and function as a private, nonprofit organization, with all powers attendant thereto, and to engage in lawful activities other than under the authority of this chapter.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 83, Sec. 31. Effective July 15, 2011. Operative July 21, 2011, by Sec. 34 of Stats. 2011, Ch. 83.)