Section 1077.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article:

    (a) "Insurer" means and includes every person engaged as indemnitor, surety, or contractor in the business of entering into contracts of life or disability insurance or of annuities.

    (b) "Exceeded its powers" means any of the following conditions:

    (1) The insurer has refused to permit examination of its books, papers, accounts, records, or affairs by the commissioner, his or her deputies, employees, or duly commissioned examiners.

    (2) A domestic insurer has unlawfully removed from this state books, papers, accounts, or records necessary for an examination of the insurer.

    (3) The insurer has failed to promptly comply with the applicable financial reporting statutes or rules and departmental requests relating thereto.

    (4) The insurer has neglected or refused to observe an order of the commissioner to make good, within the time prescribed by law, any prohibited deficiency in its capital, capital stock, or surplus.

    (5) The insurer is continuing to transact insurance or write business after its license has been revoked or suspended by the commissioner.

    (6) The insurer, by contract or otherwise, has unlawfully, or has in violation of an order of the commissioner, or has without first having obtained written approval of the commissioner, if approval is required by law, done any of the following:

    (A) Totally reinsured its entire outstanding business.

    (B) Merged or consolidated substantially its entire property or business with another insurer.

    (7) The insurer engaged in any transaction in which it is not authorized to engage under the laws of this state.

    (8) The insurer refused to comply with a lawful order of the commissioner.

    (c) "Consent" means agreement to administrative supervision by the insurer.

(Added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 986, Sec. 8.)