Section 1063.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Within 60 days after the original effective date of this article, all insurers, including reciprocal insurers, admitted to transact insurance in this state of any or all of the following classes only in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 100) of Part 1 of this division: fire (see Section 102), marine (see Section 103), plate glass (see Section 107), liability (see Section 108), workers' compensation (see Section 109), common carrier liability (see Section 110), boiler and machinery (see Section 111), burglary (see Section 112), sprinkler (see Section 114), team and vehicle (see Section 115), automobile (see Section 116), aircraft (see Section 118), and miscellaneous (see Section 120), shall establish the California Insurance Guarantee Association (the association); provided, however, this article shall not apply to the following classes or kinds of insurance: life and annuity (see Section 101), title (see Section 104), fidelity or surety including fidelity or surety bonds, or any other bonding obligations (see Section 105), disability or health (see Section 106), credit (see Section 113), mortgage guaranty, insolvency or legal (see Section 119), financial guaranty or other forms of insurance offering protection against investment risks (see Section 124), the ocean marine portion of any marine insurance or ocean marine coverage under any insurance policy including the following: the Jones Act (46 U.S.C. Sec. 688), the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. Sec. 901 et seq.), or any other similar federal statutory enactment, or any endorsement or policy affording protection and indemnity coverage, or reinsurance as defined in Section 620, or fraternal fire insurance written by associations organized and operating under Sections 9080 to 9103, inclusive. Any insurer admitted to transact only those classes or kinds of insurance excluded from this article shall not be a member insurer of the association. Each insurer admitted to transact a class of insurance included in this article, including the State Compensation Insurance Fund, as a condition of its authority to transact insurance in this state, shall participate in the association whether established voluntarily or by order of the commissioner after the elapse of 60 days following the original effective date of this article in accordance with rules to be established as provided in this article. It shall be the purpose of the association to provide for each member insurer insolvency insurance as defined in Section 119.5.

    (b) The association shall be managed by a board of governors, composed of nine member insurers, each of which shall be appointed by the commissioner to serve initially for terms of one, two, or three years and thereafter for three-year terms so that three terms shall expire each year on December 31, and shall continue in office until his or her successor shall be appointed and qualified. At least five members of the board shall be domestic insurers. At least three of the members shall be stock insurers, and at least three shall be nonstock insurers. The nine members shall be representative, as nearly as possible, of the classes of insurance and of the kinds of insurers covered by this article. In case of a vacancy for any reason on the board, the commissioner shall appoint a member insurer to fill the unexpired term. In addition to the nine member insurers, the membership of the board shall also include one public member appointed by the President pro Tempore of the Senate, one public member appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, one business member appointed by the commissioner, and one labor member appointed by the commissioner.

    (c) The association shall adopt a plan of operations, and any amendments thereto, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, necessary to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable manner of administering the association, and to provide for other matters as are necessary or advisable to implement the provisions of this article. The plan of operations and any amendments thereto shall be subject to prior written approval by the commissioner. All members of the association shall adhere to the plan of operation.

    (d) If for any reason the association fails to adopt a suitable plan of operation within 90 days following the original effective date of this article, or if at any time thereafter the association fails to adopt suitable amendments to the plan of operation, the commissioner shall after hearing adopt and promulgate reasonable rules as are necessary or advisable to effectuate the provisions of this chapter. These rules shall continue in force until modified by the commissioner after hearing or superseded by a plan of operation, adopted by the association and approved by the commissioner.

    (e) In accordance with its plan of operation, the association may designate one or more of its members as a servicing facility, but a member may decline this designation. Each servicing facility shall be reimbursed by the association for all reasonable expenses it incurs and for all payments it makes on behalf of the association. Each servicing facility shall have authority to perform any functions of the association that the board of governors lawfully may delegate to it and to do so on behalf of and in the name of the association. The designation of servicing facilities shall be subject to the approval of the commissioner.

    (f) The association shall have authority to borrow funds when necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article, and may provide in its plan of operations for any of the following:

    (1) The issuance of notes, bonds, or debentures, or the establishment of a special purpose trust or other entity, solely for the purpose of facilitating a financing.

    (2) The securing of that borrowing or those notes, bonds, or debentures by pledging or granting liens or mortgages, or by otherwise encumbering its real or personal property, including, but not limited to, premiums levied under Section 1063.5.

    (g) The association, either in its own name or through servicing facilities, may be sued and may use the courts to assert or defend any rights the association may have by virtue of this article as reasonably necessary to fully effectuate the provisions thereof.

    (h) The association shall have the right to intervene as a party in any proceeding instituted pursuant to Section 1016 wherein liquidation of a member insurer as defined in Section 1063.1 is sought.

    (i) (1) The association shall have an annual audit of its financial condition conducted by an independent certified public accountant. The audit shall be conducted, to the extent possible, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and the report of the audit shall be submitted to the commissioner.

    (2) The association shall annually audit at least one-third of the service companies retained by the association to adjust claims of insolvent insurers. The audits shall (A) assure that all covered claims are being investigated, adjusted, and paid in accordance with customary industry standards and practices and all applicable statutes, rules, and regulations, and (B) examine the management and supervisory systems overseeing the claims functions. The audits shall be conducted by the association or an independent auditor, provided that the three largest service companies, as measured by the number of claims processed for the association during the previous three fiscal years, shall be audited by an independent auditor at least once every three years. The association shall implement systems to retain independent auditing firms for the purpose of this paragraph, provided that no one firm is designated or utilized as an exclusive provider. Audits conducted pursuant to this paragraph shall be submitted annually to the commissioner for review.

    (j) The commissioner shall examine the association to the same extent as, and in accordance with, the requirements of Article 4 (commencing with Section 729) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 1, which sets forth the examination requirements applicable to admitted insurers. A copy of the examination report shall be filed with the Chairpersons of the Senate and Assembly Committees on Insurance no later than December 31 of the year the report is completed.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 786, Sec. 16. Effective January 1, 2013.)