Section 10192.11.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) An issuer shall not deny or condition the issuance or effectiveness of any Medicare supplement policy or certificate available for sale in this state, nor discriminate in the pricing of a policy or certificate because of the health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition of an applicant in the case of an application for a policy or certificate that is submitted prior to or during the six-month period beginning with the first day of the first month in which an individual is both 65 years of age or older and is enrolled for benefits under Medicare Part B. Each Medicare supplement policy and certificate currently available from an issuer shall be made available to all applicants who qualify under this subdivision and who are 65 years of age or older.

    (2) An issuer shall make available Medicare supplement benefit plans A, B, C, and F, if currently available, to an applicant who qualifies under this subdivision who is 64 years of age or younger and who does not have end-stage renal disease. An issuer shall also make available to those applicants Medicare supplement benefit plan K or L, if currently available, or Medicare supplement benefit plan M or N, if currently available. The selection between Medicare supplement plan K or L and the selection between Medicare supplement benefit plan M or N shall be made at the issuer's discretion.

    (3) This section and Section 10192.12 do not prohibit an issuer in determining premium rates from treating applicants who are under 65 years of age and are eligible for Medicare Part B as a separate risk classification. This section shall not be construed as preventing the exclusion of benefits for preexisting conditions as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 10192.8 or paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 10192.81.

    (b) (1) If an applicant qualifies under subdivision (a) and submits an application during the time period referenced in subdivision (a) and, as of the date of application, has had a continuous period of creditable coverage of at least six months, the issuer shall not exclude benefits based on a preexisting condition.

    (2) If the applicant qualifies under subdivision (a) and submits an application during the time period referenced in subdivision (a) and, as of the date of application, has had a continuous period of creditable coverage that is less than six months, the issuer shall reduce the period of any preexisting condition exclusion by the aggregate of the period of creditable coverage applicable to the applicant as of the enrollment date. The manner of the reduction under this subdivision shall be as specified by the commissioner.

    (c) Except as provided in subdivision (b) and Section 10192.23, subdivision (a) shall not be construed as preventing the exclusion of benefits under a policy, during the first six months, based on a preexisting condition for which the policyholder or certificate holder received treatment or was otherwise diagnosed during the six months before the coverage became effective.

    (d) An individual enrolled in Medicare by reason of disability shall be entitled to open enrollment described in this section for six months after the date of his or her enrollment in Medicare Part B, or if notified retroactively of his or her eligibility for Medicare, for six months following notice of eligibility. Every issuer shall make available to every applicant qualified for open enrollment all policies and certificates offered by that issuer at the time of application. Issuers shall not discourage sales during the open enrollment period by any means, including the altering of the commission structure.

    (e) (1) An individual enrolled in Medicare Part B is entitled to open enrollment described in this section for six months following:

    (A) Receipt of a notice of termination or, if no notice is received, the effective date of termination from any employer-sponsored health plan including an employer-sponsored retiree health plan.

    (B) Receipt of a notice of loss of eligibility due to the divorce or death of a spouse or, if no notice is received, the effective date of loss of eligibility due to the divorce or death of a spouse, from any employer-sponsored health plan including an employer-sponsored retiree health plan.

    (C) Termination of health care services for a military retiree or the retiree's Medicare eligible spouse or dependent as a result of a military base closure or loss of access to health care services because the base no longer offers services or because the individual relocates.

    (2) For purposes of this subdivision, "employer-sponsored retiree health plan" includes any coverage for medical expenses, including, but not limited to, coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) and the California Continuation Benefits Replacement Act (Cal-COBRA), that is directly or indirectly sponsored or established by an employer for employees or retirees, their spouses, dependents, or other included insureds.

    (f) An individual enrolled in Medicare Part B is entitled to open enrollment described in this section if the individual was covered under a policy, certificate, or contract providing Medicare supplement coverage but that coverage terminated because the individual established residence at a location not served by the plan.

    (g) An individual whose coverage was terminated by a Medicare Advantage plan shall be entitled to an additional 60-day open enrollment period to be added on to and run consecutively after any open enrollment period authorized by federal law or regulation, for any Medicare supplement coverage provided by Medicare supplement issuers and available on a guaranteed basis under state and federal law or regulation for persons terminated by their Medicare Advantage plan.

    (h) (1) An individual shall be entitled to an annual open enrollment period lasting 30 days or more, commencing with the individual's birthday, during which time that person may purchase any Medicare supplement policy that offers benefits equal to or lesser than those provided by the previous coverage. During this open enrollment period, no issuer that falls under this provision shall deny or condition the issuance or effectiveness of Medicare supplement coverage, nor discriminate in the pricing of coverage, because of health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition of the individual if, at the time of the open enrollment period, the individual is covered under another Medicare supplement policy or contract. An issuer shall notify a policyholder of his or her rights under this subdivision at least 30 and no more than 60 days before the beginning of the open enrollment period.

    (2) For purposes of this subdivision, the following provisions shall apply:

    (A) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan A shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan A.

    (B) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan B shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan B.

    (C) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan C shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan C.

    (D) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan D shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan D.

    (E) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan E shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare benefit plan D.

    (F) (i) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan F shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare benefit plan F.

    (ii) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit high deductible plan F shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit high deductible plan F.

    (G) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan G shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan G.

    (H) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan H shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan D.

    (I) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan I shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan G.

    (J) (i) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan J shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan F.

    (ii) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit high deductible plan J shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit high deductible plan F.

    (K) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan K shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan K.

    (L) A 1990 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan L shall be deemed to offer benefits equal to those provided by a 2010 standardized Medicare supplement benefit plan L.

    (i) An individual enrolled in Medicare Part B is entitled to open enrollment described in this section upon being notified that, because of an increase in the individual's income or assets, he or she meets one of the following requirements:

    (1) He or she is no longer eligible for Medi-Cal benefits.

    (2) He or she is only eligible for Medi-Cal benefits with a share of cost and certifies at the time of application that he or she has not met the share of cost.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 270, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2012.)