Section 44299.1.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To ensure that emission reductions are obtained as needed from pollution sources, any moneys deposited in the fund for use by the program or appropriated to the program shall be segregated and administered as follows:

    (1) Ten percent, not to exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000), shall be allocated to the infrastructure demonstration project to be used pursuant to Section 44284.

    (2) Ten percent shall be deposited in the fund for use by the program to be used to support research, development, demonstration, and commercialization of advanced low-emission technologies for covered sources that show promise of contributing to the goals of the program.

    (3) Not more than 2 percent of the moneys in the fund for use by the program shall be allocated to program support and outreach costs incurred by the state board and the commission directly associated with implementing the program pursuant to this chapter. These funds shall be allocated to the state board and the commission in proportion to total program funds administered by the state board and the commission.

    (4) Not more than 2 percent of the moneys in the fund for use by the program shall be allocated to direct program outreach activities. The state board may use these funds for program outreach contracts or may allocate outreach funds to participating districts in proportion to each district's allocation from the fund for use by the program. The state board shall report on the use of outreach funds in their reports to the Legislature pursuant to Section 44295.

    (5) The balance shall be deposited in the fund for use by the program to be expended to offset added costs of new very low or zero-emission vehicle technologies, and emission reducing repowers, retrofits, and add-on equipment for covered vehicles and engines.

    (b) Moneys in the fund for use by the program shall be allocated to a district that submits an eligible application to the state board pursuant to Section 44287. The state board shall determine the maximum amount of annual funding from the fund for use by the program that each district may receive. This determination shall be based on the population in each district as well as the relative importance of obtaining NOx reductions in each district, specifically through the program.

    (c) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2024.

(Amended (as added by Stats. 2004, Ch. 707, Sec. 11.5) by Stats. 2013, Ch. 401, Sec. 29. Effective September 28, 2013. Section operative January 1, 2024, by its own provisions.)