Section 21070.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Effective January 1, 1985, there shall be an alternative level of benefits available to the following state miscellaneous members: (1) members who are excluded from the definition of state employee in subdivision (c) of Section 3513; (2) members employed by the executive branch of government who are not members of the civil service; and (3) members in state bargaining units for which a memorandum of understanding has been agreed to by the state employer and the recognized employee organization to become subject to this section. Effective September 1, 1986, this section shall apply to members employed by the state as provided for in Article VI of the California Constitution. The board shall provide the affected members a one-month election period commencing on August 1, 1986. This section does not apply to state miscellaneous members employed by the California State University or the University of California. This section shall not apply to any employee described by Section 20324 unless and until the employer, as defined in Section 20902, adopts a resolution approving that application.

    (b) Effective September 1, 1986, there shall be an alternate level of benefits available to the following state industrial members: (1) members in state bargaining units for which a memorandum of understanding has been agreed to by the state employer and the recognized employee organization to become subject to this section; (2) members who are excluded from the definition of state employees in subdivision (c) of Section 3513; and (3) members employed by the executive branch of government who are not members of the civil service. The board shall provide the affected members a one-month election period commencing on August 1, 1986.

    (c) Members eligible to participate in the alternative level of benefits, referred to in this part as the Second Tier, may make an irrevocable election during the period from November 1, 1988, through October 31, 1989, to: (1) become subject to the Second Tier benefits provided for in Section 21076 for all past state miscellaneous and state industrial service and all future state miscellaneous and state industrial service not excluded by this section; (2) become subject to the Second Tier benefits provided for in Section 21077 for state miscellaneous and state industrial service not excluded by this section rendered on and after the effective date of the election to be subject to the Second Tier. Any election by a member to be subject to Section 21076 or 21077 shall also be signed by the spouse of the member and both signatures shall be notarized; (3) become subject to the First Tier retirement formula prescribed by Section 21353 for state miscellaneous and state industrial service rendered on or after the effective date of the election, provided that the member had previously elected coverage pursuant to Section 21076 or 21077 and makes the contributions specified in Section 20677; or (4) become subject to the First Tier retirement formula prescribed by Section 21353 for all past and future state miscellaneous and state industrial service, provided that the member had previously elected coverage pursuant to Section 21076 or 21077 and the member makes the contributions specified in Sections 20677 and 21073. The right of eligible members to elect coverage under the retirement formula of their choice shall apply solely during the above-prescribed one-year period, subject to conditions to be established and communicated by the board.

    Thereafter, the board shall provide a 30-day period every five years for eligible members to make an irrevocable election to be subject to the Second Tier benefits provided for in Section 21076 or 21077. Eligible members who previously elected Section 21077 may make an irrevocable election to become subject to Section 21076 for all past state miscellaneous and state industrial service during this election period. The first election period shall be held five years from the ending date of the one-year election period specified in this subdivision.

    The effective date of any election filed with the board shall be the first of the month following the date the election is received in the system, provided the election meets the conditions set by the board. Any election filed with the board under this subdivision shall also be signed by the spouse of the member and both signatures shall be notarized.

    (d) Persons who become state miscellaneous or state industrial members described in this section or who become such members under Article 3 (commencing with Section 20320) of Chapter 3 of this part on or after the Second Tier effective date applicable to the member, shall be subject to Section 21077 unless an election is filed with the board to be subject to Section 21353 and the member makes the contributions specified in Section 20677. The appointing authority shall provide the member with the election form and the member shall exercise the election within one year of becoming a member. The effective date of the election shall be the date on which the member became a state miscellaneous or state industrial member.

    (e) A state miscellaneous or state industrial member who, on or after the effective date of an election to be subject to Section 21076 or 21077, ceases to be a member pursuant to Section 20340 or 21075 shall, upon again becoming a state miscellaneous or state industrial member, be subject to Section 21076 or 21077 in accordance with his or her previous irrevocable election. This subdivision does not apply to persons who return to membership as employees of the California State University.

    Except as otherwise provided in this part, a state miscellaneous or state industrial member subject to Section 21076 or 21077 is subject to all other provisions applicable to state miscellaneous members except those provisions that provide for the payment of an annuity based on contributions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, member contributions are not required for any service credit that is subject to Section 21076.

    (f) The board shall report to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Department of Personnel Administration on the savings that are the result of the implementation of the Second Tier retirement plan for state miscellaneous and state industrial members. The report shall first be submitted in April 1986, and annually in April of every year thereafter until April 1994.

(Added by Stats. 1995, Ch. 379, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1996. Superseded on operative date of amendment by Stats. 1999, Ch. 555. Note: See this section, as modified on July 1, 2012, in Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 2011.)