Section 21562.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This section applies to the Alta Irrigation District.

    (b) Notwithstanding Section 21550, the board of directors of the district may adopt a resolution that increases the number of directors and the divisions from which they are elected from five to seven in accordance with this section.

    (c) Notwithstanding Section 21383, if the number of district directors is increased from five to seven pursuant to this section, the number of directors required to constitute a quorum of the board and to concur on all questions, except a motion to adjourn or a motion to adjourn to a stated time, is four.

    (d) The board of directors shall, by resolution, adjust the boundaries of any divisions pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 35200) of Division 19 of the Elections Code.

    (e) (1) Before considering the adoption of a resolution pursuant to subdivision (b), the board of directors shall provide at least 45 days notice of the public hearing at which the board proposes to act on the resolution. The notice of the public hearing shall be provided by placing a display advertisement of at least one-eighth page in a newspaper of general circulation in each county and incorporated city in which territory of the district is located for three weeks pursuant to Section 6063 of the Government Code. The public hearing shall be held at least 45 days after the first publication of the notice.

    (2) The notice required by paragraph (1) shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

    (A) A statement that the board of directors will consider a resolution to change from five to seven the number of directors of the district and the divisions from which they are elected.

    (B) The phone number and address of an individual that interested persons may contact to receive additional information about the resolution.

    (C) The date, time, and location of the public hearing.

    (D) Notice that the resolution will be effective for the district elections occurring at least 180 days after adoption of the resolution unless a petition protesting the resolution containing the signatures of not less than 10 percent of the qualified registered voters of the district is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days from the date of the adoption of the resolution in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as are set forth in Sections 3754, 3755, and 3755.5 of the Elections Code, except that all elections referred to in those sections and officers of the county mentioned in those sections shall be construed to refer to general or special district elections and to comparable officers of the district; and the heading of the proposed referendum shall be in substantially the following form: "Referendum Against a Resolution Passed by the Board of Directors of the Alta Irrigation District Changing From Five to Seven the Number of Directors of the District and the Divisions From Which They Are Elected."

    (f) This section shall become operative only if Assembly Bill 2536 of the 1993–94 Regular Session is enacted and becomes operative.

(Added by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1134, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1995. Pursuant to subd. (f), subds. (a) through (e) are nonoperative. See the fully operative Section 21562.5 added by Sec. 4 of Ch. 1134.)