Section 50740.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Rental Housing Construction Incentive Fund established in the State Treasury is hereby renamed the Rental Housing Construction Fund. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, all moneys in the fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the Department of Housing and Community Development, and, except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (c), shall be utilized for purposes of this chapter, Section 50775.5, and Chapter 15 (commencing with Section 50880). All interest or other increment resulting from investment or deposit of moneys in the fund shall be deposited in the fund, notwithstanding Section 16305.7 of the Government Code. Except as described in subdivision (d), moneys in the fund shall not be subject to transfer to any other fund pursuant to Part 2 (commencing with Section 16300) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code, except the Surplus Money Investment Fund.

    (b) An amount not to exceed four million dollars ($4,000,000) of the moneys from the fund utilized by the agency for development costs which is repaid to the agency or disencumbered on or after July 1, 1983, shall be deposited in a separate account and utilized and apportioned in accordance with the following percentages as it becomes available:

    (1) Fifty percent of the moneys shall be transferred by the agency to the department and deposited in the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund, established pursuant to Section 50661, and utilized for making deferred payment loans for residential hotels as authorized by subdivision (b) of Section 50661 and for purposes of subdivision (c) of that section.

    (2) Twenty-five percent of the moneys shall be transferred by the agency to the department for deposit in the Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund, established pursuant to Section 50800.5.

    (3) Twenty-five percent of the moneys shall be transferred by the agency to the department for deposit in the annuity fund, established pursuant to Section 50738.5.

    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, effective with the date of the act adding this subdivision, appropriations authorized for support of the department from the Family Housing Demonstration Account shall instead be authorized for expenditure from the Rental Housing Construction Fund.

    (d) Notwithstanding any other law, the Controller may use the moneys in the Rental Housing Construction Fund for loans to the General Fund as provided in Sections 16310 and 16381 of the Government Code. However, interest shall be paid on all moneys loaned to the General Fund from the Rental Housing Construction Fund. Interest payable shall be computed at a rate determined by the Pooled Money Investment Board to be the current earning rate of the fund from which loaned. This subdivision does not authorize any transfer that will interfere with the carrying out of the object for which the Rental Housing Construction Fund was created.

(Amended by Stats. 2009, 3rd Ex. Sess., Ch. 9, Sec. 15. Effective February 20, 2009.)