Section 50408.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  On or before December 31 of each year, the department shall submit an annual report to the Governor and both houses of the Legislature on the operations and accomplishments during the previous fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the department, including, but not limited to, the Emergency Housing and Assistance Program and Community Development Block Grant activity.

    (b)  The report shall include all of the following information:

    (1)  The number of units assisted by those programs.

    (2)  The number of individuals and households served and their income levels.

    (3)  The distribution of units among various areas of the state.

    (4)  The amount of other public and private funds leveraged by the assistance provided by those programs.

    (5)  Information detailing the assistance provided to various groups of persons by programs that are targeted to assist those groups.

    (6)  The information required to be reported pursuant to Section 17031.8.

(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 745, Sec. 139. Effective October 12, 2001.)