Section 50199.8.  

Latest version.
  • The committee is composed of the Governor, or in the Governor's absence, the Director of Finance, the Controller, and the Treasurer. The Director of Housing and Community Development, the Executive Director of the California Housing Finance Agency, and two representatives of local government, one representative of the counties appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, and one representative of the cities appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members. The Treasurer shall be the chairperson of the committee. The members of the committee shall serve without compensation. A majority of voting members shall be empowered to act for the committee. The committee may employ an executive director to carry out its duties under this chapter. The committee may, by resolution, delegate to one or more of its members, its executive director, or any other official or employee of the committee any powers and duties that it may deem proper, including, but not limited to, the power to enter into contracts on behalf of the committee.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 211, Sec. 11. Effective January 1, 2009. Conditionally inoperative as provided in Section 50199.18.)