Section 50199.17.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  The committee may adopt, amend, or repeal rules and regulations for the allocation of housing credits pursuant to this chapter and Sections 12206, 17053.14, 17058, 23608.2, 23608.3, and 23610.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code without complying with the procedural requirements of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, except as described in subdivision (b).

    (b)  The committee shall provide a notice of proposed action as described in Section 11346.5 of the Government Code. The notice of proposed action shall be provided to the public at least 21 days before the close of the public comment period, and the committee shall schedule at least one public hearing as described in Section 11346.8 of the Government Code before the close of the public comment period. The committee shall maintain a rulemaking file as described in Section 11347.3 of the Government Code. The final version of the regulations shall be accompanied by a final statement of reasons as described in subdivision (a) of Section 11346.9 of the Government Code.

    (c)  These rules and regulations shall be effective immediately upon adoption by the committee.

    (d)  The committee may also adopt, amend, or repeal emergency rules and regulations pursuant to this chapter and pursuant to Sections 12206, 17053.14, 17058, 23608.2, 23608.3, and 23610.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The adoption, amendment, or repeal of these regulations shall be conclusively presumed to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare within the meaning or purposes of Section 11346.1 of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 311, Sec. 1. Effective September 7, 2000. Conditionally inoperative as provided in Section 50199.18.)