Section 50199.10.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  For purposes of allocating low-income housing credits, the committee is hereby designated as this state's only housing credit agency for purposes of Section 42(h) of the federal Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. Sec. 42(h)). The committee shall annually determine and shall allocate the state ceiling in accordance with this chapter and in conformity with federal law. The committee shall determine the housing credit ceiling as soon as possible following the effective date of this chapter and thereafter following the commencement of each calendar year. The committee shall undertake any and all responsibilities of housing credit agencies under Section 42 of Title 26 of the United States Code, including entering into regulatory agreements relating to projects that are granted awards.

    (b)  The committee shall develop and provide application forms for use by housing credit applicants. The committee shall adopt uniform procedures for submission and review of applications of housing credit applicants, including fees to defray the committee's costs in administering this chapter. In the committee's discretion, the fees shall be charged to a housing credit applicant as a condition of submitting an application or as a condition of receiving an allocation or reservation of the state's current or anticipated housing credit ceiling, or both.

    (c)  In addition to allocating the current housing credit ceiling, the committee may reserve a portion of the state's anticipated housing credit ceiling for a subsequent year for a housing credit applicant.

    (d)  As a condition to making an allocation of the housing credit ceiling or a reservation of the anticipated housing credit ceiling for a subsequent year, the committee may require the housing credit applicant receiving the allocation or reservation to deposit with the committee an amount of money as a good-faith undertaking. The committee shall adopt policies for determining when deposits will be required, prescribing procedures for return of deposits, and specifying the circumstances under which the deposits will be forfeited in whole or in part for failure to timely utilize the allocation or reservation provided to the housing credit applicant.

    (e)  (1)  The committee may make any allocation or reservation of the state's housing credit ceiling to a housing credit applicant subject to terms and conditions in furtherance of the purposes of this part. The committee may condition an allocation or reservation on the execution of a contract between the housing credit applicant and the committee requiring the housing credit applicant to comply with all the terms of Section 42 of the federal Internal Revenue Code, any applicable state laws, and any additional requirements the committee deems necessary or appropriate to serve the purposes of this chapter, and providing for legal action to obtain specific performance or monetary damages for breach of contract.

    (2)  No allocations or reservations shall be made pursuant to this subdivision with respect to projects that do not meet the requirements of the qualified allocation plan, and no allocations or reservations shall be made in amounts that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (2) of subsection (m) of Section 42 of Title 26 of the United States Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1164, Sec. 28. Effective January 1, 1995. Conditionally inoperative as provided in Section 50199.18.)