Section 41701.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided in Section 41704, or Article 2 (commencing with Section 41800) of this chapter other than Section 41812, or Article 2 (commencing with Section 42350) of Chapter 4, no person shall discharge into the atmosphere from any source whatsoever any air contaminant, other than uncombined water vapor, for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is:

    (a)  As dark or darker in shade as that designated as No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines, or

    (b)  Of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than does smoke described in subdivision (a).

(Amended by Stats. 1977, Ch. 644.)