Section 34177.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In addition to the powers granted to each successor agency, and notwithstanding anything in the act adding this part, including, but not limited to, Sections 34162 and 34189, a successor agency shall have the authority, rights, and powers of the redevelopment agency to which it succeeded solely for the following purposes:

    (1) For the purpose of issuing bonds or incurring other indebtedness to refund the bonds or other indebtedness of its former redevelopment agency or of the successor agency to provide savings to the successor agency, provided that (A) the total interest cost to maturity on the refunding bonds or other indebtedness plus the principal amount of the refunding bonds or other indebtedness shall not exceed the total remaining interest cost to maturity on the bonds or other indebtedness to be refunded plus the remaining principal of the bonds or other indebtedness to be refunded, and (B) the principal amount of the refunding bonds or other indebtedness shall not exceed the amount required to defease the refunded bonds or other indebtedness, to establish customary debt service reserves, and to pay related costs of issuance. If the foregoing conditions are satisfied, the initial principal amount of the refunding bonds or other indebtedness may be greater than the outstanding principal amount of the bonds or other indebtedness to be refunded. The successor agency may pledge to the refunding bonds or other indebtedness the revenues pledged to the bonds or other indebtedness being refunded, and that pledge, when made in connection with the issuance of such refunding bonds or other indebtedness, shall have the same lien priority as the pledge of the bonds or other obligations to be refunded, and shall be valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

    (2) For the purpose of issuing bonds or other indebtedness to finance debt service spikes, including balloon maturities, provided that (A) the existing indebtedness is not accelerated, except to the extent necessary to achieve substantially level debt service, and (B) the principal amount of the bonds or other indebtedness shall not exceed the amount required to finance the debt service spikes, including establishing customary debt service reserves and paying related costs of issuance.

    (3) For the purpose of amending an existing enforceable obligation under which the successor agency is obligated to reimburse a political subdivision of the state for the payment of debt service on a bond or other obligation of the political subdivision, or to pay all or a portion of the debt service on the bond or other obligation of the political subdivision to provide savings to the successor agency, provided that (A) the enforceable obligation is amended in connection with a refunding of the bonds or other obligations of the political subdivision so that the enforceable obligation will apply to the refunding bonds or other refunding indebtedness of the political subdivision, (B) the total interest cost to maturity on the refunding bonds or other indebtedness plus the principal amount of the refunding bonds or other indebtedness shall not exceed the total remaining interest cost to maturity on the bonds or other indebtedness to be refunded plus the remaining principal of the bonds or other indebtedness to be refunded, and (C) the principal amount of the refunding bonds or other indebtedness shall not exceed the amount required to defease the refunded bonds or other indebtedness, to establish customary debt service reserves and to pay related costs of issuance. The pledge set forth in that amended enforceable obligation, when made in connection with the execution of the amendment of the enforceable obligation, shall have the same lien priority as the pledge in the enforceable obligation prior to its amendment and shall be valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

    (4) For the purpose of issuing bonds or incurring other indebtedness to make payments under enforceable obligations when the enforceable obligations include the irrevocable pledge of property tax increment, formerly tax increment revenues prior to the effective date of this part, or other funds and the obligation to issue bonds secured by that pledge. The successor agency may pledge to the bonds or other indebtedness the property tax revenues and other funds described in the enforceable obligation, and that pledge, when made in connection with the issuance of the bonds or the incurring of other indebtedness, shall be valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with its terms. This paragraph shall not be deemed to authorize a successor agency to increase the amount of property tax revenues pledged under an enforceable obligation or to pledge any property tax revenue not already pledged pursuant to an enforceable obligation. This paragraph does not constitute a change in, but is declaratory of, the existing law.

    (b) The refunding bonds authorized under this section may be issued under the authority of Article 11 (commencing with Section 53580) of Chapter 3 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code, and the refunding bonds may be sold at public or private sale, or to a joint powers authority pursuant to the Marks-Roos Local Bond Pooling Act (Article 4 (commencing with Section 6584) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code).

    (c) (1) Prior to incurring any bonds or other indebtedness pursuant to this section, the successor agency may subordinate to the bonds or other indebtedness the amount required to be paid to an affected taxing entity pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 34183, provided that the affected taxing entity has approved the subordinations pursuant to this subdivision.

    (2) At the time the successor agency requests an affected taxing entity to subordinate the amount to be paid to it, the successor agency shall provide the affected taxing entity with substantial evidence that sufficient funds will be available to pay both the debt service on the bonds or other indebtedness and the payments required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 34183, when due.

    (3) Within 45 days after receipt of the agency's request, the affected taxing entity shall approve or disapprove the request for subordination. An affected taxing entity may disapprove a request for subordination only if it finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the successor agency will not be able to pay the debt service payments and the amount required to be paid to the affected taxing entity. If the affected taxing entity does not act within 45 days after receipt of the agency's request, the request to subordinate shall be deemed approved and shall be final and conclusive.

    (d) An action may be brought pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 860) of Title 10 of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure to determine the validity of bonds or other obligations authorized by this section, the pledge of revenues to those bonds or other obligations authorized by this section, the legality and validity of all proceedings theretofore taken and, as provided in the resolution of the legislative body of the successor agency authorizing the bonds or other obligations authorized by this section, proposed to be taken for the authorization, execution, issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds or other obligations authorized by this section, and for the payment of debt service on the bonds or the payment of amounts under other obligations authorized by this section. Subdivision (c) of Section 33501 shall not apply to any such action. The Department of Finance shall be notified of the filing of any action as an affected party.

    (e) Notwithstanding any other law, including, but not limited to, Section 33501, an action to challenge the issuance of bonds, the incurrence of indebtedness, the amendment of an enforceable obligation, or the execution of a financing agreement by a successor agency shall be brought within 30 days after the date on which the oversight board approves the resolution of the successor agency approving the issuance of bonds, the incurrence of indebtedness, the amendment of an enforceable obligation, or the execution of a financing agreement authorized under this section.

    (f) The actions authorized in this section shall be subject to the approval of the oversight board, as provided in Section 34180. Additionally, an oversight board may direct the successor agency to commence any of the transactions described in subdivision (a) so long as the successor agency is able to recover its related costs in connection with the transaction. After a successor agency, with approval of the oversight board, issues any bonds, incurs any indebtedness, or executes an amended enforceable obligation pursuant to subdivision (a), the oversight board shall not unilaterally approve any amendments to or early termination of the bonds, indebtedness, or enforceable obligation. If, under the authority granted to it by subdivision (h) of Section 34179, the Department of Finance either reviews and approves or fails to request review within five business days of an oversight board approval of an action authorized by this section, the scheduled payments on the bonds or other indebtedness shall be listed in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule and shall not be subject to further review and approval by the department or the Controller. The department may extend its review time to 60 days for actions authorized in this section and may seek the assistance of the Treasurer in evaluating proposed actions under this section.

    (g) Any bonds, indebtedness, or amended enforceable obligation authorized by this section shall be considered indebtedness incurred by the dissolved redevelopment agency, with the same legal effect as if the bonds, indebtedness, financing agreement, or amended enforceable obligation had been issued, incurred, or entered into prior to June 29, 2011, in full conformity with the applicable provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law that existed prior to that date, shall be included in the successor agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule, and shall be secured by a pledge of, and lien on, and shall be repaid from moneys deposited from time to time in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund established pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 34172, as provided in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 34183. Property tax revenues pledged to any bonds, indebtedness, or amended enforceable obligations authorized by this section are taxes allocated to the successor agency pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33670 and Section 16 of Article XVI of the California Constitution.

    (h) The successor agency shall make diligent efforts to ensure that the lowest long-term cost financing is obtained. The financing shall not provide for any bullets or spikes and shall not use variable rates. The successor agency shall make use of an independent financial advisor in developing financing proposals and shall make the work products of the financial advisor available to the Department of Finance at its request.

    (i) If an enforceable obligation provides for an irrevocable commitment of property tax revenue and where allocation of such revenues is expected to occur over time, the successor agency may petition the Department of Finance to provide written confirmation that its determination of such enforceable obligation as approved in a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule is final and conclusive, and reflects the department's approval of subsequent payments made pursuant to the enforceable obligation. If the confirmation is granted, then the department's review of such payments in future Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules shall be limited to confirming that they are required by the prior enforceable obligation.

    (j) The successor agency may request that the department provide a written determination to waive the two-year statute of limitations on an action to review the validity of the adoption or amendment of a redevelopment plan pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 33500 or on any findings or determinations made by the agency pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 33500. The department at its discretion may provide a waiver if it determines it is necessary for the agency to fulfill an enforceable obligation.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 26, Sec. 13. Effective June 27, 2012.)