Section 33352.  

Latest version.
  • Every redevelopment plan submitted by the agency to the legislative body shall be accompanied by a report containing all of the following:

    (a) The reasons for the selection of the project area, a description of the specific projects then proposed by the agency, a description of how these projects will improve or alleviate the conditions described in subdivision (b).

    (b) A description of the physical and economic conditions specified in Section 33031 that exist in the area that cause the project area to be blighted. The description shall include a list of the physical and economic conditions described in Section 33031 that exist within the project area and a map showing where in the project the conditions exist. The description shall contain specific, quantifiable evidence that documents both of the following:

    (1) The physical and economic conditions specified in Section 33031.

    (2) That the described physical and economic conditions are so prevalent and substantial that, collectively, they seriously harm the entire project area.

    (c) An implementation plan that describes specific goals and objectives of the agency, specific projects then proposed by the agency, including a program of actions and expenditures proposed to be made within the first five years of the plan, and a description of how these projects will improve or alleviate the conditions described in Section 33031.

    (d) An explanation of why the elimination of blight and the redevelopment of the project area cannot reasonably be expected to be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone or by the legislative body's use of financing alternatives other than tax increment financing.

    (e) The proposed method of financing the redevelopment of the project area in sufficient detail so that the legislative body may determine the economic feasibility of the plan.

    (f) A method or plan for the relocation of families and persons to be temporarily or permanently displaced from housing facilities in the project area, which method or plan shall include the provision required by Section 33411.1 that no persons or families of low and moderate income shall be displaced unless and until there is a suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by the displaced person or family at rents comparable to those at the time of their displacement.

    (g) An analysis of the preliminary plan.

    (h) The report and recommendations of the planning commission.

    (i) The summary referred to in Section 33387.

    (j) The report required by Section 65402 of the Government Code.

    (k) The report required by Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code.

    (l) The report of the county fiscal officer as required by Section 33328.

    (m) If the project area contains low- or moderate-income housing, a neighborhood impact report which describes in detail the impact of the project upon the residents of the project area and the surrounding areas, in terms of relocation, traffic circulation, environmental quality, availability of community facilities and services, effect on school population and quality of education, property assessments and taxes, and other matters affecting the physical and social quality of the neighborhood. The neighborhood impact report shall also include all of the following:

    (1) The number of dwelling units housing persons and families of low or moderate income expected to be destroyed or removed from the low- and moderate-income housing market as part of a redevelopment project.

    (2) The number of persons and families of low or moderate income expected to be displaced by the project.

    (3) The general location of housing to be rehabilitated, developed, or constructed pursuant to Section 33413.

    (4) The number of dwelling units housing persons and families of low or moderate income planned for construction or rehabilitation, other than replacement housing.

    (5) The projected means of financing the proposed dwelling units for housing persons and families of low and moderate income planned for construction or rehabilitation.

    (6) A projected timetable for meeting the plan's relocation, rehabilitation, and replacement housing objectives.

    (n) (1) An analysis by the agency of the report submitted by the county as required by Section 33328, which shall include a summary of the consultation of the agency, or attempts to consult by the agency, with each of the affected taxing entities as required by Section 33328. If any of the affected taxing entities have expressed written objections or concerns with the proposed project area as part of these consultations, the agency shall include a response to these concerns, additional information, if any, and, at the discretion of the agency, proposed or adopted mitigation measures.

    (2) As used in this subdivision:

    (A) "Mitigation measures" may include the amendment of the redevelopment plan with respect to the size or location of the project area, time duration, total amount of tax increment to be received by the agency, or the proposed use, size, density, or location of development to be assisted by the agency.

    (B) "Mitigation measures" shall not include obligations to make payments to any affected taxing entity.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 595, Sec. 7. Effective January 1, 2007.)