Section 33333.11.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In order to adopt an amendment pursuant to Section 33333.10, the redevelopment agency shall also comply with the procedures in this section.

    (b) Before adopting an amendment of the plan, the agency shall hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment. The notice of the public hearing shall comply with Section 33452.

    (c) Prior to the publication of the notice of the public hearing on the proposed amendment, the agency shall consult with each affected taxing agency with respect to the proposed amendment. At a minimum, the agency shall give each affected taxing agency the opportunity to meet with representatives of the agency for the purpose of discussing the effect of the proposed amendment upon the affected taxing agency and shall notify each affected taxing agency that any written comments from the affected taxing agency will be included in the report to the legislative body.

    (d) Prior to the publication of the notice of the public hearing on the proposed amendment, the agency shall consult with and obtain the advice of members of a project area committee, if a project area committee exists, and residents and community organizations and provide to those persons and organizations, including the project area committee, if any, the amendment prior to the agency's submitting the amendment to the legislative body. In addition, the preliminary report prepared pursuant to subdivision (e) shall be made available at no cost to the project area committee, if one exists, and residents and community organizations not later than 120 days prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed amendment.

    (e) No later than 120 days prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed amendment, the agency shall send to each affected taxing entity, as defined in Section 33353.2, the Department of Finance, and the Department of Housing and Community Development, a preliminary report that contains all of the following:

    (1) A map of the project area that identifies the portion, if any, of the project area that is no longer blighted and the portion of the project area that is blighted and the portion of the project area that contains necessary and essential parcels for the elimination of the remaining blight.

    (2) A description of the remaining blight.

    (3) A description of the projects or programs proposed to eliminate the remaining blight.

    (4) A description of how the project or programs will improve the conditions of blight.

    (5) The reasons why the projects or programs cannot be completed without extending the time limits on the effectiveness of the plan and receipt of tax increment revenues.

    (6) The proposed method of financing these programs or projects. This description shall include the amount of tax increment revenues that is projected to be generated during the period of the extension, including amounts projected to be deposited into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and amounts to be paid to affected taxing entities. This description shall also include sources and amounts of moneys other than tax increment revenues that are available to finance these projects or programs. This description shall also include the reasons that the remaining blight cannot reasonably be expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterprise or governmental action, or both, without the use of the tax increment revenues available to the agency because of the proposed amendment.

    (7) An amendment to the agency's implementation plan that includes, but is not limited to, the agency's housing responsibilities pursuant to Section 33490. However, the agency shall not be required to hold a separate public hearing on the implementation plan pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 33490 in addition to the public hearing on the amendment to the redevelopment plan.

    (8) A new neighborhood impact report if required by subdivision (m) of Section 33352.

    (9) A description of each bond sold by the agency to finance or refinance the redevelopment project prior to six months before the date of adoption of the proposed amendment, and listing for each bond the amount of remaining principal, the annual payments, and the date that the bond will be paid in full.

    (f) No later than 120 days prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed amendment, the agency shall send the proposed amendment to the planning commission. If the planning commission does not report upon the amendment within 30 days after its submission by the agency, the planning commission shall be deemed to have waived its report and recommendations concerning the amendment.

    (g) No later than 45 days prior to the public hearing on the proposed amendment by the agency or the joint public hearing of the agency and the legislative body, the agency shall notify each affected taxing entity, the Department of Finance, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and each individual and organization that submitted comments on the preliminary report by certified mail of the public hearing, the date of the public hearing, and the proposed amendment. This notice shall be accompanied by the report required to be prepared pursuant to subdivision (h).

    (h) No later than 45 days prior to the public hearing on the proposed amendment by the agency or the joint public hearing by the agency and the legislative body, the agency shall adopt a report to the legislative body containing all of the following:

    (1) All of the information required to be contained in the preliminary report prepared pursuant to subdivision (e).

    (2) The report and recommendation of the planning commission.

    (3) A negative declaration, environmental impact report, or other document that is required in order to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code.

    (4) A summary of the consultations with the affected taxing entities. If any of the affected taxing entities has expressed written objections or concerns with the proposed amendment as part of these consultations, the agency shall include a detailed response to each of these concerns.

    (5) A summary of the consultation with residents and community organizations, including the project area committee, if any. If any resident or community organization, including the project area committee, if any, has expressed written objections or concerns with the proposed amendment as part of these consultations, the agency shall include a detailed response to each of these concerns.

    (i) After receiving the recommendation of the agency on the proposed amendment, and not sooner than 30 days after the submission of changes to the planning commission, the legislative body shall hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment. At the public hearing, the legislative body shall consider any objections or concerns with the proposed amendment expressed by the affected taxing entities, a project area committee, if any, residents, and community organizations. The notice of the public hearing shall comply with Section 33452.

    (j) As an alternative to the separate public hearing required by subdivision (i), the agency and the legislative body, with the consent of both, may hold a joint public hearing on the proposed amendment. At the public hearing, the agency and legislative body shall consider any objections or concerns with the proposed amendment expressed by the affected taxing entities, a project area committee, if any, residents, and community organizations. Notice of this public hearing shall comply with Section 33452. When a joint public hearing is held and the legislative body is also the agency, the legislative body may adopt the amended plan with no actions required of the agency. If, after the public hearing, the legislative body determines that the amendment to the plan is necessary or desirable, the legislative body shall adopt an ordinance amending the ordinance adopting the plan thus amended. The ordinance adopting the amendment shall contain findings that both (1) significant blight remains within the project area, and (2) the blight cannot be eliminated without the extension of the effectiveness of the plan and receipt of tax increment revenues.

    (k) If an affected taxing entity, the Department of Finance, or the Department of Housing and Community Development believes that significant remaining blight does not exist within the portion of the project area designated as blighted in the report to the legislative body regarding a proposed amendment to be adopted pursuant to Section 33333.10, the affected taxing entity, the Department of Finance, or the Department of Housing and Community Development may request the Attorney General to participate in the amendment process. The affected taxing entity, the Department of Finance, or the Department of Housing and Community Development shall request this participation within 21 days after receipt of the notice of the public hearing sent pursuant to subdivision (g). The Attorney General shall determine whether or not to participate in the amendment process. The Attorney General may consult with and request the assistance of departments of the state and any other persons or groups that are interested or that have expertise in redevelopment. The Attorney General may participate in the amendment process by requesting additional information from the agency, conducting his or her own review of the project area, meeting with the agency and any affected taxing entity, submitting evidence for consideration at the public hearing, or presenting oral evidence at the public hearing. No later than five days prior to the public hearing on the proposed amendment, the Attorney General shall notify each affected taxing agency, each department that has requested the Attorney General to review the proposed amendment, and the redevelopment agency with regard to whether the Attorney General will participate in the amendment process and, if so, how he or she will participate, on their behalf.

    (l) The Attorney General may bring a civil action pursuant to Section 33501 to determine the validity of an amendment adopted pursuant to Section 33333.10. The Department of Finance and the Department of Housing and Community Development shall be considered interested persons for the purposes of protecting the interests of the state pursuant to Section 863 of the Code of Civil Procedure in any action brought with regard to the validity of an ordinance adopting a proposed amendment pursuant to Section 33333.10. Either department may request the Attorney General to bring an action pursuant to Section 33501 to determine the validity of an amendment adopted pursuant to Section 33333.10. Actions brought pursuant to this subdivision are in addition to any other actions that may be brought by the Attorney General or other persons.

(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 182, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2011.)