Section 33080.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  For the purposes of compliance with subdivision (c) of Section 33080.1, the description of the agency's activities shall contain the following information regardless of whether each activity is funded exclusively by the state or federal government, for each project area and for the agency overall:

    (1)  Pursuant to Section 33413, the total number of nonelderly and elderly households, including separate subtotals of the numbers of very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, that were displaced or moved from their dwelling units as part of a redevelopment project of the agency during the previous fiscal year.

    (2)  Pursuant to Section 33413.5, the total number of nonelderly and elderly households, including separate subtotals of the numbers of very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, that the agency estimates will be displaced or will move from their dwellings as part of a redevelopment project of the agency during the present fiscal year and the date of adoption of a replacement housing plan for each project area subject to Section 33413.5.

    (3)  The total number of dwelling units housing very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, respectively, which have been destroyed or removed from the low- or moderate-income housing market during the previous fiscal year as part of a redevelopment project of the agency, specifying the number of those units which are not subject to Section 33413.

    (4)  The total numbers of agency-assisted dwelling units which were constructed, rehabilitated, acquired, or subsidized during the previous fiscal year for occupancy at an affordable housing cost by elderly persons and families, but only if the units are restricted by agreement or ordinance for occupancy by the elderly, and by very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, respectively, specifying those units which are not currently so occupied, those units which have replaced units destroyed or removed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 33413, and the length of time any agency-assisted units are required to remain available at affordable costs.

    (5)  The total numbers of new or rehabilitated units subject to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 33413, including separate subtotals of the number originally affordable to and currently occupied by, elderly persons and families, but only if the units are restricted by agreement or ordinance for occupancy by the elderly, and by very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, respectively, and the length of time these units are required to remain available at affordable costs.

    (6)  The status and use of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund created pursuant to Section 33334.3, including information on the use of this fund for very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income, respectively. If the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund is used to subsidize the cost of onsite or offsite improvements, then the description of the agency's activities shall include the number of housing units affordable to persons and families of low or moderate income which have been directly benefited by the onsite or offsite improvements.

    (7)  A compilation of the annual reports obtained by the agency under Section 33418 including identification of the number of units occupied by persons and families of moderate income, other lower income households, and very low income households, respectively, and identification of projects in violation of this part or any agreements in relation to affordable units.

    (8)  The total amount of funds expended for planning and general administrative costs as defined in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 33334.3.

    (9)  Any other information which the agency believes useful to explain its housing programs, including, but not limited to, housing for persons and families of other than low and moderate income.

    (10)  The total number of dwelling units for very low income households, other lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income to be constructed under the terms of an executed agreement or contract and the name and execution date of the agreement or contract. These units may only be reported for a period of two years from the execution date of the agreement or contract.

    (11)  The date and amount of all deposits and withdrawals of moneys deposited to and withdrawn from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund.

    (b)  As used in this section:

    (1)  "Elderly," has the same meaning as specified in Section 50067.

    (2)  "Persons and families of moderate income," has the same meaning as specified in subdivision (b) of Section 50093.

    (3)  "Other lower income households," has the same meaning as "lower income households" as specified in Section 50079.5, exclusive of very low income households.

    (4)  "Persons and families of low or moderate income," has the same meaning as specified in Section 50093.

    (5)  "Very low income households," has the same meaning as specified in Section 50105.

    (c)  Costs associated with preparing the report required by this section may be paid with moneys from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund.

(Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 942, Sec. 7. Effective January 1, 1994.)