Section 25503.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Not later than September 1, 1986, the office shall adopt, after public hearing and consultation with the Office of the State Fire Marshal and other appropriate public entities, regulations for minimum standards for business plans and area plans. All business plans and area plans shall meet the standards adopted by the agency.

    (b) The standards for business plans in the regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) shall do all of the following:

    (1) Set forth minimum requirements of adequacy, and not preclude the imposition of additional or more stringent requirements by local government.

    (2) Take into consideration and adjust for the size and nature of the business, the proximity of the business to residential areas and other populations, and the nature of the damage potential of its hazardous materials in establishing standards for subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 25504.

    (3) Take into account the existence of local area and business plans which meet the requirements of this chapter so as to minimize the duplication of local efforts, consistent with the objectives of this chapter.

    (4) Define what releases and threatened releases are required to be reported pursuant to Section 25507. The office shall consider the existing federal reporting requirements in determining a definition of reporting releases pursuant to Section 25507.

    (c) An administering agency shall establish an area plan for emergency response to a release or threatened release of a hazardous material within its jurisdiction. An area plan is not a statute, ordinance, or regulation for purposes of Section 669 of the Evidence Code. The standards for area plans in the regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) shall provide for all of the following:

    (1) Procedures and protocols for emergency rescue personnel, including the safety and health of those personnel.

    (2) Preemergency planning.

    (3) Notification and coordination of onsite activities with state, local, and federal agencies, responsible parties, and special districts.

    (4) Training of appropriate employees.

    (5) Onsite public safety and information.

    (6) Required supplies and equipment.

    (7) Access to emergency response contractors and hazardous waste disposal sites.

    (8) Incident critique and followup.

    (9) Requirements for notification to the office of reports made pursuant to Section 25507.

    (d) (1) The administering agency shall submit a copy of its proposed area plan, within 180 days after adoption of regulations by the office establishing area plan standards, to the office for review. The office shall notify the administering agency as to whether the area plan is adequate and meets the area plan standards. The administering agency shall within 45 days of this notice submit a corrected area plan.

    (2) The administering agency shall certify to the office every three years that it has conducted a complete review of its area plan and has made any necessary revisions. Any time an administering agency makes any substantial changes to its area plan, it shall forward the changes to the office within 14 days after the changes have been made.

    (e) An administering agency shall submit to the office, along with its area plan, both of the following:

    (1) The basic provisions of a plan to conduct onsite inspections of businesses subject to this chapter by either the administering agency or other designated entity. These inspections shall ensure compliance with this chapter and shall identify existing safety hazards that could cause or contribute to a release and, where appropriate, enforce any applicable laws and suggest preventative measures designed to minimize the risk of the release of hazardous material into the workplace or environment. The requirements of this paragraph do not alter or affect the immunity provided a public entity pursuant to Section 818.6 of the Government Code.

    (2) A plan to institute a data management system which will assist in the efficient access to and utilization of information collected under this chapter. This data management system shall be in operation within two years after the business plans are required to be submitted to the administering agency pursuant to Section 25505.

    (f) The regulations adopted by the office pursuant to subdivision (a) shall include an optional model reporting form for business and area plans.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 352, Sec. 356. Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 543 of Ch. 352.)