Section 25502.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1)  This chapter, as it pertains to the handling of hazardous material, shall be implemented by one of the following:

    (A) If there is a CUPA, the Unified Program Agency.

    (B) If there is no CUPA, the agency authorized pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 25404.3.

    (2) The agency responsible for implementing this chapter shall ensure full access to, and the availability of, information submitted under this chapter to emergency rescue personnel and other appropriate governmental entities within its jurisdiction.

    (b) (1) If there is no CUPA, a city may, by ordinance or resolution, assume responsibility for the implementation of this chapter and, if so, shall have exclusive jurisdiction within the boundary of the city for the purposes of carrying out this chapter. The ordinance shall require that a person who violates Section 25507 shall be subject to the penalties specified in Section 25515. A city that assumes responsibility for implementation of this chapter shall provide notice of its ordinance or resolution to the office and to the administering agency of its county. It shall also consult with, and coordinate its activities with, the county in which the city is located to avoid duplicating efforts or any misunderstandings regarding the areas, duties, and responsibilities of each administering agency.

    (2) A city may not assume responsibility for the implementation of this chapter unless it has enacted an implementing ordinance or adopted an implementing resolution not later than 60 days after the office adopts regulations pursuant to Section 25503, except that a city may enact an implementing ordinance or adopt an implementing resolution after this 60-day period, if it has an agreement with the county to do so. A new city has one year from the date of incorporation to enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution implementing this chapter.

    (3) The local agency responsible for administering and enforcing this chapter shall be the agency so authorized pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 25404.3.

    (c) If there is no CUPA, the county and any city that assume responsibility pursuant to subdivision (b) shall designate a department, office, or other agency of the county or city, as the case may be, or the city or county may designate a fire district, as the administering agency responsible for administering and enforcing this chapter. The county and any city that assume responsibility pursuant to subdivision (b) shall notify the office immediately upon making a designation. The local agency responsible for administering and enforcing this chapter shall be the agency so authorized pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 25404.3.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 352, Sec. 355. Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 543 of Ch. 352.)