Section 25284.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  All tank integrity tests required by this chapter or pursuant to any local ordinance in compliance with Section 25299.1 shall be performed only by, or under the direct and personal supervision of, a tank tester with a currently valid tank testing license issued pursuant to this section. No person shall engage in the business of tank integrity testing, or act in the capacity of a tank tester, within this state without first obtaining a tank testing license from the board. Any person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be subject to civil liability pursuant to subdivision (g).

    (b)  Any person proposing to conduct tank integrity testing within the state shall apply to the board for a tank testing license, and shall pay the appropriate fee established by the board. A license issued pursuant to this section shall expire three years after the date of issuance and shall be subject to renewal, except as specified in this section. If the tank tester fails to renew the tank tester's license within three years of the license's expiration date, the license shall lapse and the person shall apply for a new tank testing license and shall meet the same requirements of this section for a new applicant. A tank tester shall pay a fee to the board at the time of licensing and at the time of renewal. The board shall adopt a fee schedule for the issuance and renewal of tank testing licenses to cover the necessary and reasonable costs of administering and enforcing this section.

    (c)  (1)  The board may establish any additional qualifications and standards for the licensing of tank testers. Each applicant for licensing as a tank tester shall pass an examination specified by the board and shall have completed a minimum of either of the following:

    (A)  One year of qualifying field experience by personally testing a number of underground storage tanks specified by the board.

    (B)  Completed six months of field experience by personally testing a number of underground storage tanks specified by the board and have successfully completed a course of study applicable to tank testing that is satisfactory to the board.

    (2)  The examination required by paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum, test the applicant's knowledge of all of the following:

    (A)  General principles of tank and pipeline testing.

    (B)  Basic understanding of the mathematics relating to tank testing.

    (C)  Understanding of the specific test procedures, principles, and equipment for which the tank tester will be qualified to operate.

    (D)  Knowledge of the regulations and laws governing the regulation of underground storage tanks.

    (E)  Proper safety procedures.

    (d)  The board shall maintain a current list of all persons licensed pursuant to this section, including a record of enforcement actions taken against these persons. This list shall be made available to local agencies and the public on request.

    (e)  A tank tester may be liable civilly in accordance with subdivision (g) and, in addition, may be subject to administrative sanctions pursuant to subdivision (f) for performing or causing another to perform, any of the following actions:

    (1)  Willfully or negligently violating, or causing, or allowing the violation of, this chapter or any regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.

    (2)  Willfully or negligently failing to exercise direct and personal control over an unlicensed employee, associate, assistant, or agent during any phase of tank integrity testing.

    (3)  Without regard to intent or negligence, using or permitting a licensed or unlicensed employee, associate, assistant, or agent to use any method or equipment that is demonstrated to be unsafe or unreliable for tank integrity testing.

    (4)  Submitting false or misleading information on an application for license.

    (5)  Using fraud or deception in the course of doing business as a tank tester.

    (6)  Failing to use reasonable care, or judgment, while performing tank integrity tests.

    (7)  Failing to maintain competence in approved tank testing procedures.

    (8)  Failing to use proper tests or testing equipment to conduct tank integrity tests.

    (9)  Any other action that the board may, by regulation, prescribe.

    (f)  (1)  The board may suspend the license of a tank tester for a period of up to one year, and may revoke, or refuse to grant or renew, a license and may place on probation, or reprimand, the licensee upon any reasonable ground, including, but not limited to, those violations specified in subdivision (e). The board may investigate any licensed tank tester after receiving a written request from a local agency.

    (2)  The board shall notify the tank tester of any alleged violations and of proposed sanctions, before taking any action pursuant to this subdivision. The tank tester may request a hearing, or submit a written response within 30 days of the date of notice. Any hearing conducted pursuant to this subdivision shall be conducted in accordance with the hearing procedure specified in subdivision (g). After the hearing, or at a time after the 30-day response period, the board may impose the appropriate administrative sanctions authorized by this subdivision if it finds that the tank tester has committed any of the alleged violations specified in the notice.

    (g)  (1)  The board may impose civil liability for a violation of subdivision (a) or (e) in accordance with Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 13323) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of the Water Code, in an amount that shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) for each day in which the violation occurs, except that the chief of the division of water quality of the board or any other person designated by the board shall issue the complaint to the violator. The complaint shall be issued based on information developed by board staff or local agencies. Any hearing on the complaint shall be made before the board, or a panel thereof, consisting of one or more board members. The decision of the board shall be final upon issuance and may be reviewed pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 13330) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of the Water Code within 30 days following issuance of the order.

    (2)  Civil liability for a violation of subdivision (a) or (e) may be imposed by a superior court at the request of the board in an amount which shall not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each day in which the violation occurs.

    (h)  Any fees or civil liability collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Underground Storage Tank Tester Account which is hereby created in the General Fund. The money in this account is available for expenditure by the board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for purposes of implementing the tank tester licensing program established by this section and for repayment of the loan made by Section 13 of Chapter 1372 of the Statutes of 1987.

    (i)  A tank tester who conducts or supervises a tank or piping integrity test shall prepare a report detailing the results of the tank test and shall maintain a record of the report for at least three years, or as otherwise required by the board. The tank tester shall type or print his or her name and include his or her license number on the report and shall endorse the report under penalty of perjury by original signature.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 999, Sec. 16. Effective January 1, 2003.)