Section 25205.7.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person who applies for, or requests, one of the following shall enter into a written agreement with the department pursuant to which that person shall reimburse the department, pursuant to Article 9.2 (commencing with Section 25206.1), for the costs incurred by the department in processing the application or responding to the request:

    (A)  A new hazardous waste facilities permit, including a standardized permit.

    (B)  A hazardous waste facilities permit for postclosure.

    (C)  A renewal of an existing hazardous waste facilities permit, including a standardized permit or postclosure permit.

    (D)  A class 2 or class 3 modification of an existing hazardous waste facilities permit or grant of interim status, including a standardized permit or grant of interim status or a postclosure permit.

    (E)  A variance.

    (F)  A waste classification determination.

    (2)  Any agreement required pursuant to paragraph (1) may provide for some, or all, of the reimbursement to be made in advance of the processing of the application or the response to the request.

    (3)  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subdivision may include costs of reviewing and overseeing corrective action as set forth in subdivision (b).

    (4)  This subdivision does not apply to any application or request submitted to the department prior to July 1, 1998. Any person who submitted such an application or request shall pay the applicable fee, if not already paid, for the application or request as required by this chapter as it read prior to January 1, 1998, unless the department and the applicant or requester mutually agree to enter into a reimbursement agreement in lieu of any unpaid portion of the required fee.

    (b)  The department shall recover all the department's costs in reviewing and overseeing any corrective action program described in the application for a standardized permit pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 25201.6 or required pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 25200.10, and in reviewing and overseeing any corrective action work undertaken at the facility pursuant to that corrective action program.

    (c)  Any reimbursements received pursuant to this section shall be placed in the Hazardous Waste Control Account for appropriation in accordance with Section 25174.

    (d)  (1)  In lieu of entering into a reimbursement agreement with the department pursuant to subdivision (a), any person who applies for a new permit, a permit for postclosure, a renewal of an existing permit, or a class 2 or class 3 permit modification may instead elect to pay a fee as follows:

    (A)  A person submitting a hazardous waste facilities permit application for a land disposal facility shall pay one hundred four thousand one hundred eighty-seven dollars ($104,187) for a small facility, two hundred twenty-two thousand one hundred eighty-three dollars ($222,183) for a medium facility, and three hundred eighty-one thousand six hundred two dollars ($381,602) for a large facility.

    (B)  A person submitting a hazardous waste facilities permit application for any incinerator shall pay sixty-two thousand seven hundred sixty-two dollars ($62,762) for a small facility, one hundred thirty-three thousand sixty dollars ($133,060) for a medium facility, and two hundred twenty-eight thousand four hundred fifty-eight dollars ($228,458) for a large facility.

    (C)  Except as provided in subparagraph (D), a person submitting a hazardous waste facility permit application for a storage facility, a treatment facility, or a storage and treatment facility shall pay twenty-one thousand three hundred forty dollars ($21,340) for a small facility, thirty-eight thousand nine hundred thirteen dollars ($38,913) for a medium facility, and seventy-five thousand three hundred seventeen dollars ($75,317) for a large facility.

    (D)  A person submitting an application for a standardized permit for a storage facility, a treatment facility, or a storage and treatment facility, as specified in Section 25201.6, shall pay thirty-two thousand fifty-two dollars ($32,052) for a Series A standardized permit, twenty thousand eleven dollars ($20,011) for a Series B standardized permit, and five thousand three hundred thirty-two dollars ($5,332) for a Series C standardized permit. The board shall assess the fees specified in this subparagraph, in accordance with paragraph (2), based upon the classifications specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25201.6.

    (E)  (i)  A person submitting a hazardous waste facilities permit application for a transportable treatment unit shall pay sixteen thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($16,320) for a small unit, thirty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-seven dollars ($37,657) for a medium unit, and seventy-five thousand three hundred seventeen dollars ($75,317) for a large unit.

    (ii)  Notwithstanding clause (i), the fee for any application for a new permit, permit modification, or permit renewal for a transportable treatment unit, that was pending before the department as of January 1, 1996, shall be determined according to the type of permit authorizing operation of that unit, as provided by subdivision (d) of Section 25200.2 or the regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 25200.2. Any standardized permit issued to the operator of a transportable treatment unit after January 1, 1996, that succeeds a full hazardous waste facilities permit issued by the department prior to January 1, 1996, in accordance with subdivision (d) of Section 25200.2 or the regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 25200.2, shall not be considered to be a new hazardous waste facilities permit.

    (F)  A person submitting a hazardous waste facilities permit application for a postclosure permit shall pay a fee of ten thousand forty dollars ($10,040) for a small facility, twenty-two thousand five hundred ninety-six dollars ($22,596) for a medium facility, and thirty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-seven dollars ($37,657) for a large facility.

    (G)  A person submitting an application for one or more class 2 permit modifications, including a class 2 modification to a standardized permit, shall pay a fee equal to 20 percent of the fee for a new permit for that facility for each unit directly impacted by the modifications, up to a maximum of 40 percent for each application, except that each person who applies for one or more class 2 permit modifications for a land disposal facility or an incinerator shall pay a fee equal to 15 percent of the fee for a new permit for that facility for each unit directly impacted by the modifications, up to a maximum of 30 percent for each application.

    (H)  A person submitting an application for one or more class 3 permit modifications, including a class 3 modification to a standardized permit, shall pay a fee equal to 40 percent of the fee for a new permit for that facility for each unit directly impacted by the modifications, up to a maximum of 80 percent for each application, except that a person who applies for one or more class 3 permit modifications for a land disposal facility or an incinerator shall pay a fee equal to 30 percent of the fee for a new permit for that facility for each unit directly impacted by the modifications, up to a maximum of 60 percent for each application.

    (I)  A person who submits an application for renewal of any existing permit shall pay an amount equal to the fee that would have been assessed had the person requested the same changes in a modification application, but not less than one-half the fee required for a new permit.

    (J)  A person who submits a single application for a facility that falls within more than one fee category shall pay only the higher fee.

    (2)  The fees required by paragraph (1) shall be assessed by the board upon application to the department. For a facility operating pursuant to a grant of interim status, the submittal of the application shall be the submittal of the Part B application in accordance with regulations adopted by the department. The fee shall be nonrefundable, even if the application is withdrawn or denied. The department shall provide the board with any information that is necessary to assess fees pursuant to this section. The fee shall be collected in accordance with Part 22 (commencing with Section 43001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and deposited into the Hazardous Waste Control Account.

    (3)  The amounts stated in this subdivision are the base rates for the 1997 calendar year. Thereafter, the fees shall be adjusted annually by the board to reflect increases or decreases in the cost of living, during the prior fiscal year, as measured by the Consumer Price Index issued by the Department of Industrial Relations, or a successor agency.

    (4)  Except as provided in paragraph (5), for purposes of this section, and notwithstanding Section 25205.1, any facility or unit is "small" if it manages 0.5 tons (1,000 pounds) or less of hazardous waste during any one month of the state's current fiscal year, "medium" if it manages more than 0.5 tons (1,000 pounds), but less than 1,000 tons, of hazardous waste during any one month of the state's current fiscal year, and "large" if it manages 1,000 or more tons of hazardous waste during any one month of the state's current fiscal year.

    (5)  For purposes of subparagraph (F) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision and paragraph (8) of subdivision (c) of Section 25205.4, any facility or unit is "small" if 0.5 tons (1,000 pounds) or less of hazardous waste remain after closure, "medium" if more than 0.5 tons (1,000 pounds), but less than 1,000 tons of hazardous waste remain after closure, and "large" if 1,000 or more tons of hazardous waste remain after closure.

    (6)  The amounts stated in this subdivision are in addition to any amounts required to reimburse the department for the corrective action review and oversight costs required to be recovered pursuant to subdivision (b).

    (e)  Subdivision (a) does not apply to any variance granted pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 66263.40) of Chapter 13 of Division 4.5 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.

    (f)  Subdivisions (a) and (d) do not apply to a permit modification resulting from a revision of a facility's or operator's closure plan if the facility is exempted from fees pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 25205.3, or if the operator is subject to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 25205.2.

    (g)  (1)  Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4), subdivisions (a) and (d) do not apply to any permit or variance to operate a research, development, and demonstration facility, if the duration of the permit or variance is not longer than one year, unless the permit or variance is renewed pursuant to the regulations adopted by the department.

    (2)  For purposes of this section, a "research, development, and demonstration facility" is a facility which proposes to utilize an innovative and experimental hazardous waste treatment technology or process for which regulations prescribing permit standards have not been adopted.

    (3)  The exemption provided by this subdivision does not apply to a facility which operates as a medium or large multiuser offsite commercial hazardous waste facility and which does not otherwise possess a hazardous waste facilities permit pursuant to Section 25200.

    (4)  The fee exemption authorized pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be effective for a total duration of not more than two years.

    (h)  Subdivisions (a) and (d) do not apply to any of the following:

    (1)  Any variance issued to a public agency to transport wastes for purposes of operating a household hazardous waste collection facility, or to transport waste from a household hazardous waste collection facility, which receives household hazardous waste or hazardous waste from conditionally exempted small quantity generators pursuant to Article 10.8 (commencing with Section 25218).

    (2)  A permanent household hazardous waste collection facility.

    (3)  Any variance issued to a public agency to conduct a collection program for agricultural wastes.

    (i)  Notwithstanding subdivisions (a) and (b), the department shall not assess any fees or seek any reimbursement for the department's costs in reviewing and overseeing any preliminary site assessment in conjunction with a hazardous waste facilities permit application.

    (j)  The changes made in this section by Chapter 870 of the Statutes of 1997 do not require amendment of, or otherwise affect, any agreement entered into prior to July 1, 1998, pursuant to which any person has agreed to reimburse the department for the costs incurred by the department in processing applications, responding to requests, or otherwise providing other services pursuant to this chapter.

(Amended by Stats. 1998, Ch. 882, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 1999.)